
Deep-learning Transfer Learning models of NTUA-SLP team submitted at the IEST of WASSA 2018 at EMNLP 2018.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains the source code of the models submitted by NTUA-SLP team in IEST of WASSA 2018 at EMNLP 2018. The model is described in the paper: http://aclweb.org/anthology/W18-6209


  author = 	"Chronopoulou, Alexandra
		and Margatina, Aikaterini
		and Baziotis, Christos
		and Potamianos, Alexandros",
  title = 	"NTUA-SLP at IEST 2018: Ensemble of Neural Transfer Methods for Implicit Emotion Classification",
  booktitle = 	"Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis",
  year = 	"2018",
  publisher = 	"Association for Computational Linguistics",
  pages = 	"57--64",
  location = 	"Brussels, Belgium",
  url = 	"http://aclweb.org/anthology/W18-6209"

Implicit Emotion Classification Task

Task: Classify twitter messages in one of six emotion categories (happy, sad, fear, anger, surprise, disgust) without the emotion word. A typical tweet in this dataset has the following form:

I'm \[#TARGETWORD#\] because I love you, I love you and I hate you. (correct label: angry)

Our approach

We use an ensemble of 3 different Transfer Learning approaches:

Before you proceed, pip install -r ./requirements.txt

First) Pretrain a LSTM-based language model (LM) and transfer it to a target-task classification model:

cd model/

You can skip steps 1 and 2 (time-consuming) and use pretrained and fine-tuned LM, which should be put under checkpoints/

Download it here: pretrained + fine-tuned LM

  1. (can be skipped) Pretrain the LM: python lm.py

  2. (can be skipped) Fine-tune the LM on your own (target) dataset: python lm_ft.py

  3. Train the classification model: python wassa_pretr_lm.py (initializes the weights of the embedding and hidden layer with the LM and adds a Self-Attention mechanism and a classification layer)

This follows to a great degree ULMFiT by Howard and Ruder.

Second) Pretrain a LSTM-based attentive classification model on a different dataset and transfer its feature extractor to the target-task classification model:

  1. Pretrain a classifier: python sentiment.py
  2. Train the final classifier: python wassa.py (set pretrained_classifier = True and provide the correspondent config file.)

Third) Use pretrained word vectors to initialize the embedding layer of a classification model:

  • python wassa.py (set pretrained_classifier = False and provide the correspondent word2idx, idx2word and weights of the pretrained word vectors (word2vec, GloVe, fastText)).

Quick Notes

Our pretrained word embeddings are available here: ntua_twitter_300.txt


In order to make our codebase more accessible and easier to extend, we provide an overview of the structure of our project.

datasets : contains the datasets for the pretraining :

  • twitter100K/ contains unlabeled data used for pretraining an LM
  • semeval2017A/ and wassa_2018/ contain the labeled datasets used for SemEval17 Task4A and WASSA IEST 2018 respectively

embeddings: pretrained word2vec embeddings should be put here.

model: scripts for running:

  • IEST classifier wassa.py
  • SE17 Task4 classifier sentiment.py
  • language model lm.py.

modules: the source code of the PyTorch deep-learning models and the baseline models.

submissions: contains the script to test trained model and create submission file for WASSA.

utils: contains helper functions.


A few relevant and very important papers to our work are presented below:

Universal Language Model Fine-tuning for Text Classification https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.06146

Regularizing and Optimizing LSTM Language Models https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.02182

Using millions of emoji occurrences to learn any-domain representations for detecting sentiment, emotion and sarcasm http://arxiv.org/abs/1708.00524