Portfolio (concept)



An effective portfolio highlights the strongest work as well as the thought processes behind it.


  • HTML layout of a page containing a name, a recent photo or avatar, and links to sections "about", "work", and "contact"
  • On-page navigation
  • Titled images of applications in "work" section, presented in a flexible layout with the first image larger than the rest
  • Working links to deployed applications (with placeholders)
  • Fully Responsive layout
  • Delicate animations
  • Additional animated descriptive content, also accessible for non-touch-based devices
  • Accessible integration of FontAwesome

View Portfolio Project

The one-page web application has been thoroughly tested to make sure it's pixel-purrfect, accessible and mobile/touch devices friendly. Best viewed in webkit-based browser (has not been tested in IE, no support provided).

Screenshot of Portfolio concept


Obtained information:


Licenced under the MIT license.

Image of github-profile-views-counter

Copyright © 2022 Alexandra Batrak