The github repository is here:
The Docker Hub image is here:
To build this website on your local machine, you must have Docker installed.
To see if you have any running Docker machines, run docker-machine ls
in your terminal. If you've just installed Docker for the first time, you probably have no machines created just yet and the list will be empty. To create your machine, run the following command in the terminal:
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default
- Enter the Docker environment with
eval $(docker-machine env default)
- To run the Docker image from my repository, run
docker run -d -p 80:80 heyawhite/simple-website
- Get the IP address of your Docker Machine by running
docker-machine ip default
- Copy the IP address into your browser to view the website.
To build this on Triton with Container Name Service:
- Enter the Triton environment with
eval $(triton env)
- Make sure CNS is enabled by running
triton account update triton_cns_enabled=true
- Run a container:
docker run -d -p 80 --label heyawhite/simple-website
- List the available containers:
docker ps
- Find your instance of the simple website and run
triton instance get <instance name>
to get the DNS information - Find the Triton CNS powered DNS name. It will have a structure that looks like:
<service name>.svc.<account uuid>.<data center name>
- Assign the DNS name as a CNAME for your vanity URL in your domain registrar of choice.
It may take a while to propogate before your URL shows the simple website. You can check on it by running dig <>