
Suggested tools for technical writers

Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0

Tools for Technical Writers

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This repository contains lists of suggested tools for technical writers. You can find it at https://alexand.us/tw-tools.

You are welcome to make a pull request and add tools that you've found helpful!

What's included

Other resources

  • Learning - articles and books to learn more about technical writing
  • Style - examples of content strategy and style guides
  • Accessibility - resources for considering accessible writing and design
  • Templates - example buckets of information to fill in for each type of document

About the author

Alexandra White is a technical writer for Google. You can find more of her work on heyawhite.com or follow her on Twitter @heyawhite.

Special thanks to @scottydocs, who heavily influenced the README template, and @nayafia and @embeddedartistry, who influenced the CONTRIBUTION template.


This project uses the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.