
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Coding Quiz



This is a coding quiz application that tests users' knowledge of JavaScript concepts. The project is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


Interactive quiz with multiple-choice questions with a timer that counts down as users answer questions. Ability to save and display high scores using local storage.

IMPORTANT: this project is incomplete and expected to be finished by August 19, 2023.

Project Structure

The project is structured as follows:

index.html: Contains the main HTML structure of the quiz application.

style.css: Includes the styling for the quiz interface.

script.js: Contains JavaScript code responsible for quiz logic and user interaction.

Getting Started

Clone the repository to your local machine or download zip file or access the link here


Click the "Start Quiz" button to begin the quiz. Read each question carefully and select the correct answer from the provided options. A timer will start counting down as soon as the quiz begins. For each wrong answer, 10 seconds will be deducted from the timer. Once all questions are answered or the timer runs out, the quiz will end. You can enter your initials to save your score if you achieved a high score. You can view previous high scores by clicking the "Check previous score" link.


screenshot screenshot