
Desktop Windows app of old 8-bit game about tanks "Battle City"

Primary LanguageC#


image image

This is a Windows desktop app which was inspired by old 8-bit game "Battle City".

What you can do in the game:

  • play alone or with friend (1, 2 players support)
  • play on one game level
  • choose difficulty (easy, hard, reality)
  • maintain record table
  • check fact sheet


  • 1 Player: →,←,↑,↓ - movement, NUM0 - shoot
  • 2 Player: w,a,s,d - movement, SPACE - shoot
  • Menu: ↑,↓ - movement, ENTER - act

How to setup and run the project

It requires Visual Studio with installed .NET desktop development workload.

How to install the app

You can download release app here.

Supported languages

  • Russian