A starter kit using Laravel Breeze with the Intertia.js Vue option, utilizing PrimeVue v4 components.
Clone the repo (or download the zip)
git clone https://github.com/connorabbas/primevue-auth-starter.git
Step into the project directory
cd ./primevue-auth-starter
Install the framework and other packages
composer install
copy .env.example .env
cp .env.example .env
Generate the app key
php artisan key:generate
Migrate database tables (after
and database related config setup)php artisan migrate
Install npm packages
npm install
Start the Vite dev server
npm run dev
This starter kit provides a light/dark mode and custom theme functionality provided by the powerful PrimeVue theming system, using styled mode and custom design token values.
The starting point for customizing your theme will be the resources\js\Modules\theme-preset.mjs
module file. To quickly change the look and feel of your theme, swap the primary values with a different set of colors, change the surface colorScheme
values (slate, gray, neutral, etc.), or completely change the preset theme (Aura used by default).
Please reference the PrimeVue Styled Mode Docs to fully understand how this system work, and how to further customize your theme to make it your own.
If you have used a previous version of this project using PrimeVue v3, you'll know that Tailwind was removed in favor of PrimeFlex. With v4 however, the PrimeTek team has officially suggested Moving from PrimeFlex to Tailwind CSS.
For this reason, Tailwind has been added back into the project and is utilized with the tailwindcss-primeui plugin. CSS layers have also been implemented so the Tailwind utilities can override the PrimeVue component styling when needed.