Monolog Processor Collection

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Welcome to the Monolog Processor Collection (MPC) - the ultimate suite of processors designed to enhance your logging with the renowned Monolog library. This toolkit is meticulously crafted to integrate seamlessly with PHP 8.1+, ensuring your logging captures the comprehensive details you need with minimal overhead.

MPC is engineered for developers who demand more from their logs. Whether you're tracking down elusive bugs or monitoring live production environments, processors enrich your log entries with invaluable context, turning ordinary logs into a rich, actionable dataset.

MPC is compatible with worker mode of web servers, as relevant processors implement the ResettableInterface.

Available Processors

The package provides the following processors:

  • BacktraceProcessor adds the backtrace to the log record
  • ClientIpProcessor adds the client IP address to the log record
  • EnvVarProcessor adds the value of one or more environment variables to the log record
  • HighResolutionTimestampProcessor adds the high resolution time to the log record
  • IsHttpsProcessor adds a boolean value indicating whether the request is a secured HTTP request to the log record
  • PhpIniValueProcessor adds the value of one or more PHP ini settings to the log record
  • ProtocolVersionProcessor adds the HTTP protocol version to the log record
  • RequestSizeProcessor adds the size of the request to the log record, headers included, in bytes
  • ResourceUsagesProcessor adds the resource usage to the log record as returned by getrusage()
  • SapiNameProcessor adds the name of the SAPI to the log record
  • SessionIdProcessor adds the session ID to the log record, or null if no session is active
  • UuidProcessor adds a UUID v7 to the log record to track records triggered during the same request


The recommended way to install MPC is through Composer:

composer require alexandre-daubois/monolog-processor-collection


All processor can be used in the same way as any other Monolog processor. For example:

use Monolog\Logger;

$logger = new Logger('name');
$logger->pushProcessor(new BacktraceProcessor());

Some processors, like EnvVarProcessor and PhpIniValueProcessor, require you to specify more arguments. For example:

use Monolog\Logger;

$logger = new Logger('name');
$logger->pushProcessor(new EnvVarProcessor(['APP_ENV', 'APP_DEBUG']));

Integration with Symfony and MonologBundle

You can register those processors to be used with Symfony and MonologBundle by adding the following configuration to your config/packages/monolog.php file:

use Monolog\Processor\ProcessorInterface;
use MonologProcessorCollection\BacktraceProcessor;
use MonologProcessorCollection\EnvVarProcessor;
use MonologProcessorCollection\ProtocolVersionProcessor;
use MonologProcessorCollection\EnvVarProcessor;
use MonologProcessorCollection\SapiNameProcessor;

return static function (ContainerConfigurator $configurator): void {
    // ...

    // register as many processors as you like, but keep in mind that
    // each processor is called for each log record
    $services = $configurator->services();

    // ...

If you don't use autoconfigure, you need to tag the processors with monolog.processor:

return static function (ContainerConfigurator $configurator): void {
    // ...

    $services = $configurator->services();
            ->tag('monolog.processor', ['handler' => 'main'])
            ->tag('monolog.processor', ['handler' => 'main']);

    // ...

You can achieve the same configuration with YAML:

# config/packages/monolog.yaml
            - { name: monolog.processor, handler: main }
            - APP_ENV
            - { name: monolog.processor, handler: main }


<!-- config/packages/monolog.xml -->

<!-- ... -->

<service id="MonologProcessorCollection\BacktraceProcessor" public="false">
    <tag name="monolog.processor" handler="main" />
<service id="MonologProcessorCollection\EnvVarProcessor" public="false">
    <tag name="monolog.processor" handler="main" />