Release Genius


Conventional version screenshot


  • PHP 8.2 or higher
  • Git

That's it!

Why this package?

This package is a simple tool to help you manage your changelog and versioning. It uses the Conventional Commits standard to generate the changelog. This standard is widely used in the open-source community and is a great way to ensure that your commit messages are understandable and easy to parse.

Unlike this package, this one is under the MIT license. This licence is more permissive than the GPL-3.0 licence. This can be a pain point for some projects, and it is the main motivation for creating Release Genius.


composer require alexandre-daubois/release-genius



# Initialize the package
vendor/bin/release-genius --init

# Upgrade to the next version (major, minor or patch)
#, package.json and composer.json will be updated
vendor/bin/release-genius patch
git push && git push --tags

# Only update the changelog, composer.json and package.json
vendor/bin/release-genius patch --no-commit

Available options

  ./release-genius [options] [--] [<release type>]

  release type                   The type of release to be generated (major, minor, patch)

  -f, --path=PATH                The file to write the changelog to [default: ""]
  -m, --mode=MODE                The writing mode to use when writing the changelog to a file, between prepend, append and overwrite [default: "prepend"]
  -i, --init                     Initialize the changelog file and create a new git tag
  -r, --remote=REMOTE            The remote to push the tag to; This is also used to generate URLs in the Changelog (use "none" if you don't use a remote) [default: "origin"]
      --remote-type=REMOTE-TYPE  The type of remote to use; This is used to generate URLs in the Changelog ("github" or "gitlab")
      --skip-vendors             Skip the update of package.json and composer.json
      --no-commit                Do not create a commit and a tag, only update the changelog and vendor files if any

Initialize and upgrade the version

The first time you use the package, you may need to initialize it. This is required when you don't have any tag in your repository and no changelog file exists. You can do this by running the following command:

vendor/bin/release-genius --init

This will create a new file called in the root of your project. Also, it will create a new tag. You will be prompted to enter the version number you want to use. The version number should follow the Semantic Versioning specification.

After the initialization, you can start using the package to manage your changelog and versioning. The package provides a few commands to help you with that. Imagine your current version is 1.0.0. You can upgrade the version by running the following command:

# Upgrade the version to 1.0.1
vendor/bin/release-genius patch

# Upgrade the version to 1.1.0
vendor/bin/release-genius minor

# Upgrade the version to 2.0.0
vendor/bin/release-genius major

This will update the file and create a new tag. The tag will not be pushed to the remote repository. This is something you need to do manually in order to ensure you're happy with the changes and the new version.

Vendors JSON files

If a package.json file exists in the root of your project, the version number will be updated in this file as well (if present). The same goes for a composer.json file.

Skip the commit and tag creation

If you want to create the tag and commit yourself to be extra careful, you can use the --no-commit option. Release Genius will only update the changelog and the vendor JSON files.

vendor/bin/release-genius minor --no-commit

Generate a changelog

The changelog is generated thanks to your commit messages. All commits from the last tag to the current state of your repository will be used to generate it.

You can customize the output path of the changelog file by using the --path option. By default, the changelog file is created in the root of your project and is called

vendor/bin/release-genius minor --path=docs/

You can also choose the way to changelog file is generated. By default, the changelog file uses the prepend mode. This means that the new content is added at the beginning of the file. You can change this behavior by using the --mode option. The available modes are append, prepend and overwrite.

vendor/bin/release-genius minor --mode=append

Manage remotes

This package will do its best to guess the remote repository URL. By default, it tries to find a remote called origin. If it fails, you can use the --remote option to specify the remote repository URL.

vendor/bin/release-genius minor --remote=upstream

This will allow to generate a changelog with the correct links to the commits and versions comparison.

In case you don't use a guessable remote URL (because your hosting a private instance of Gitlab, for example), you can use the --remote-type option to specify the type of your remote repository. The available types are github, gitlab.

vendor/bin/release-genius minor --remote-type=gitlab

Specifying the type will help generate the good URL format, with your remote URL. The remote type always takes precedence over the automatic remote URL guessing.