
At INSA Rouen, we created a mobile application to propose a virtual agent with whom we can discuss. It is possible to ask it to set up an alarm. It asks the questions oriented to have all the necessary information.

The buzzer associated with the alarm will match the weather of the user's location when it rings.

See demo/demo.mp4 to see the result of the project.

Connection to server via SSH

From outside INSA

  • First create a tunnel :

ssh -L2200:asi-17-ihme.insa-rouen.fr:22 LOGIN@ssh.insa-rouen.fr

  • Then connect via ssh :

ssh -X -p2200 -o 'HostKeyAlias asi-17-ihme.insa-rouen.fr' pao@localhost

From inside INSA

  • Connect directly via ssh

ssh pao@asi-17-ihme.insa-rouen.fr

Connection to server via HTTP

Click me to get super-powers. No fake.