Moved from Fork under GPLv3.
Generates a PNG or SVG representation of your Git repository's commit history.
Very simple. Just a bash script. Super handy.
Usage: gitgraph [options] [MaxDepth] [refs]
-a : include all tags and branches
-c : simplify graph by aggregating nodes with only one child
-cc : simplify "same as -c", but make sure nodes with more than
one parent don't get aggregated with others
(kinda of a sluggish operation)
-d : Output as svg (not png)
-q : quiet (do not launch viewer)
-high <ref> : highlight the left-parent hierarchy for <ref>
MaxDepth : max number of log entries to process (default: 100)
refs : commit references (tags, branches, shas); this is passed
directly to "git log"