Personal Package Collection

Swift Package collection

You can use the collection with this url:



  • swift package collection certificate spm_collection.cer (from Apple developer site)
  • swift package collection certificate private key in pem format spm_collection.pem (see how to get it from below)

To generate the private key file, add the private key (p12) of the swift package collection certificate at ./spm_collection.p12, next run those commands to convert it to the correct format:

openssl pkcs12 -in spm_collection.p12 -nocerts -noenc -legacy | sed -ne '/-BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-/,/-END PRIVATE KEY-/p' > spm_collection.pem

Signing the collection requires the entire chain of CA (documentation), they had been downloaded from and depends of your Swift package collection certificate:

  • ca-intermediate: Worldwide Developer Relations - G6
  • ca-root: Apple Inc. Root

To know which intermediate certificate you must use, read the contents of your public certificate

openssl x509 -inform DER -text -noout -in spm_collection.cer

Here an output example that means you need to use the "G6" intermediate certificate

        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number:
        Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
        Issuer: CN=Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority, OU=G6, O=Apple Inc., C=US

Collection Generation

Once you created the files spm_collection.pem, spm_collection.cer and used the correct ca-intermediate.cer and ca-root.cer, the collection can be generated and signed with this command:

./ packages_list.json 1 spm_collection.pem spm_collection.cer collection.json

Maintainer informations

Secrets needed for the GitHub auto release workflow:

  • PRIVATE_KEY_CONTENT: the content of the certificate private key (spm_collection.pem)
  • CERTIFICATE_CONTENT_B64: the base64 of the certificate (base64 -i spm_collection.cer)

The release workflow update the collection on every commit on master. A new release is done by incrementing the last version tag, creating a new github release and adding the json as an artifact to the release.