
A multi-purpose Video Labeling GUI in Python with integrated SOTA detector and tracker

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


License: MIT PyPI PyPI

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and ThumbnailsPro: Instant AI-generated Thumbnails, for videos that get clicks.

A multi-purpose Video Labeling GUI in Python with integrated SOTA detector and tracker. Developed using PyQt5.


  • SSH connection to a remote GPU server (see below to configure the server)
  • YOLO and OpenPifPaf integrated object & pose detectors (single frame/video mode)
  • Hungarian algorithm for track_id assignment
  • SiamMask visual object tracking for missing or mislabeled boxes
  • Zoom on video, resizable bounding boxes and skeletons
  • Dark mode!


The integrated object detectors and trackers are based on the following codes:


Start by cloning the repository on your computer:

git clone https://github.com/alexandre01/UltimateLabeling.git
cd UltimateLabeling

We recommend installing the required packages in a virtual environment to avoid any library versions conflicts. The following will do this for you:

virtualenv --no-site-packages venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Otherwise, just install the requirements on your main Python environment using pip as follows:

pip install -r requirements

Finally, open the GUI using:

python -m ultimatelabeling.main

Remote server configuration

To configure the remote GPU server (using the code in server files.), follow the steps below:

git clone https://github.com/alexandre01/UltimateLabeling_server.git
cd UltimateLabeling_server
pip install -r requirements.txt
bash siamMask/setup.sh
bash detection/setup.sh

The data images and videos should be placed in the folder data, similarly to the client code.

To extract video files, use the following script:

bash extract.sh data/video_file.mp4

Input / output

To start labeling your videos, put these (folder of images or video file, the frames will be extracted automatically) inside the data folder.

  • Import labels: To import existing .CSV labels, hit Cmd+I (or Ctrl+I). UltimateLabeling expects to read one .CSV file per frame, in the format: "class_id", "xc", "yc", "w", "h".

  • Export labels: The annotations are internally saved in the output folder. To export them in a unique .CSV file, hit Cmd+E (or Ctrl+E) and choose the destination location.

If you need other file formats for your projects, please write a GitHub issue or submit a Pull request.

Shortcuts / mouse controls


  • A (or Left key): next frame
  • D (or Right key): previous frame
  • W/S: class up/down
  • T: start/stop tracking (last used tracker)
  • Numberpad: assign given class_id
  • Spacebar: play the video


  • Click: select bounding box
  • Click & hold: move in the image
  • Cmd + click & hold: create new bounding box
  • Right click: delete bounding box in current frame (+ in all previous / all following frames if the corresponding option is enabled)
  • Scroll wheel (or swipe up/down): zoom in the image

Improvements / issues

Please write a GitHub issue if you experience any issue or wish an improvement. Or even better, submit a pull request!


Copyright (c) 2019 Alexandre Carlier, released under the MIT licence.