
Epitech Third Year Project, RType in CPP

Primary LanguageC++


Epitech project Rtype in CPP

Space invader game. See reedme.pdf.


For this project of theAdvanced C++knowledge unit,R-Typewill introduce you to networked video gamedevelopment.You will have to implement a multi-threaded server and a graphical client, using a re-usable game engineof your own design. Your game must also be fun to play!

For the sad ignorants among you who may not know this best-selling video game, which accounts for count-less lost hours of our childhood, here is a little introduction.As you now understand, you have to make your own version ofR-Type.The purpose of this project is to create a one-to-four player game, using a client/server architecture. This isimportant. ItMUSTbe a client/server architecture. Peer-to-peer communication is not allowed.