
My very simple Spring OpenFeign Application

Primary LanguageJava


This is my very simple Web Application using Spring Cloud OpenFeign technology. The following web application provides a REST Full Endpoint to check an account balance using the method GET, called /available-account-balance. In the same time there is another endpoint which a client consumes the preview endpoint. The client consumer can be accessed by /openfeign-get-account-balance. It is a useful approach used by microservice integration.

What is it for?

Spring Cloud OpenFeign enables you to build Spring Boot applications that needs to integrate with other secure REST Full web service.

How to run this application?

Preparing your system operation with the following:

How to run this application in your environment?

This step depends on the previews installation.

In your system operation, please, open your CLI (MacOS Terminal or Linux bash shell or Windows prompt) and type the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/alexandre1202/openfeign.git
mvn spring-boot:run

If everything has been done successfully the following picture will be displayed in your console:

How to start this application in your browser

This step depends on the previews installation.

Click to run it

How to stop this application

This step depends on the previews installation.

  • close the CLI console with the following picture:
