
BASH Script to listen to any radio (including Youtube Live streams) on the background of your computer

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

( this repository now lives at https://gitlab.com/alexandre1985/radio-play/ )


it is a BASH Script to listen to any radio (including Youtube Live streams) on the background of your computer.


It was develop on a Linux OS (but will work on any OS. If it isn't working on your OS, you just need to edit some configuration files).
This script source code was made to be very flexible, so that easily integrates any OS.

Some dependencies are needed...


  • Any Multimedia Player (mpv or vlc or custom of choice)
  • youtube-dl (which is for playing Youtube Live streams)

The rest of the dependencies you may already have on your Linux OS, which are:

  • mkdir

  • sed

  • basename

  • dirname

  • cut

  • which

  • pkill

  • grep

  • wc

  • touch

  • curl

  • head

  • rm

  • notify-send

  • the rest are built-in bash shell commands such as echo, exit, return, test/[, printf and control flow bash constructs (if, then. else, fi, ... - well check the damn source code if you want to know more 😄 ! 🌄 )


Easy way

Open a terminal window (optionally cd to a $PATH directory) and do:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alexandre1985/radio-play/master/radio-play && chmod +x radio-play

Complete explanation

Just download radio-play script. You may want to put the script in a $PATH directory (for running radio-play without needing radio-play full path for its execution).

After you have made the download, don't forget to give radio-play executable permissions. You can give those by using the command chmod +x radio-play.


Configuration Directory

If XDG_CONFIG_HOME variable is set, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/radio-play/ will be the configuration directory. Or else will be $HOME/.config/radio-play/.

Configuration Files

There are two configuration files for this script, that live inside the Configuration Directory (which probably is located on $HOME/.config/radio-play/). They are main.conf and radios.conf.


This configuration file is generated automatically by running this script (radio-play) for the first time.
Generally you should not need to modify this file for the radio-play bash script to work. If radio-play is not working, you may modify some variables of main.conf to match your OS.
I have tried my best to document well main.conf, so you can understand how to modify/configure it.


This file it is not generated automatically, and is optional.
It is meant for creating easy to remember alias of your radio-play usage.

For example, you have this radio that you listen all the time. It is called Chillhop and its URL is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHW1oY26kxQ. So instead of running radio-play http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHW1oY26kxQ all the time you want to listen to it, you may put this line in your radios.conf file.


Now you may use radio-play chillhop the next time you want to listen to your favorite radio 😉

radios.conf may have any number of alias (in the alias=streamURL format).


radio-play in the future, will make a check to only accept online URL, but - when it does - it has no way to verify if the URL is referring to a playable URL (such as for example .ogg, .m3u, .mp3, .mpg). So, insert only URLs that the program in the variable PLAYER_COMMAND (locate in the main.conf configuration file) accepts.


I believe that is everything. I want you to be able to learn/edit/share this code with anyone, so for lack of knowledge of the licenses world, I will put this code under MIT license.

If you want to give me some gift for creating this code, or just want to say something to me, go to my personal page and you can contact me throw there (using the personal page contact form).

Have fun 😉