
Programmatically create XLS form. Easy factorising

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Programmatically create XLS form with all the advantages provided by typescript and IDE when using one (easy factorizing, refactoring, ...).


Set up the form in index.ts using Form and FormBuilder. Generate the xls file typing:

npm run build


Simple form with two questions, the second one displayed according to the options checked in the first one.


const k = new Form()
new XLSFormBuilder().buildAndCreateXLS({title: 'Test'}, [
  k.section('Section 1', () => {
    const q1 = k.questionWithChoices('CHECKBOX', 'Question 1', ['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'])
    return [
      k.question('TEXT', 'Question 2', {
        showIfType: 'or',
        showIf: [
          {question: q1, value: 'Option 1'},
          {question: q1, value: 'Option 2'},


  • Sheet survey

    type name label required relevant appearance guidance_hint
    begin_group group_section_ 1. Section 1 false
    select_multiple question__1 Question 1 false
    text question__2 Question 2 false ${question__0}='Option 1' or ${question__0}='Option 2'
  • Sheet choices

    list_name name label
    7w0vpwd option_1 Option 1
    7w0vpwd option_2 Option 2
    7w0vpwd option_3 Option 3
  • Sheet settings

    form_title version
    Test 1 (Fri, 15 Apr 2022 10:43:08 GMT)


Form accepts generic i18n. Locales are inferred by TS thus you cannot forget or define wrong local.


type I18n = {en: string, ukr: string}

const k = new Form<I18n>()
new XLSFormBuilder<I18n>().buildAndCreateXLS({title: 'Test'}, [
  k.section({en: 'Section 1', ukr: 'розділ 1'}, () => {
    const q1 = k.questionWithChoices('CHECKBOX', {en: 'Question 1, ukr: 'питання 1'}, [
      {en: 'Option 1', ukr: 'варіант 1'},
      {en: 'Option 2', ukr: 'варіант 2'},
      {en: 'Option 3', ukr: 'варіант 3'},
    return [
      k.question('TEXT', {en: 'Question 2', ukr: 'питання 2'}, {
        showIfType: 'or',
        showIf: [
          {question: q1, value: {en: 'Option 1', ukr: 'варіант 1'}},
          {question: q1, value: {en: 'Option 2', ukr: 'варіант 2'}},


  • Sheet survey

    type name label::en (en) label::ukr (ukr) required relevant appearance guidance_hint
    begin_group group_section_ 1. Section 1 1. розділ 1 false
    select_multiple question__1 Question 1 питання 1 false
    text question__2 Question 2 питання 2 false ${question__0}='Option 1' or ${question__0}='Option 2'
  • Sheet choices

    list_name name label::en (en) label::ukr (ukr)
    7w0vpwd option_1 Option 1 варіант 1
    7w0vpwd option_2 Option 2 варіант 2
    7w0vpwd option_3 Option 3 варіант 3
  • Sheet settings

    form_title version
    Test 1 (Fri, 15 Apr 2022 10:43:08 GMT)