
Rocket Help - an user request support mobile app

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Rocket Help

Rocket Help


Login Home - no calls Home - calls in progress Home - completed calls
New request Request in progress Completed request

Target • Technologies • Route

💡 Target

Build an user request support mobile app for Android and iOS (Hybrid) using React Native

🛠 Technologies

The main technologies that has been used in this project were:
Type Tools References
Programming Language (App) REACT NATIVE https://reactnative.dev/
Programming Language (App) TYPESCRIPT https://www.typescriptlang.org/
Open source platform EXPO BARE WORKFLOW https://expo.dev/
IDE VISUAL STUDIO CODE (VS CODE) https://code.visualstudio.com/
Design Interface Tool FIGMA (Prototype - UX/UI) https://www.figma.com/
UI Utility-first Component Library NATIVE BASE https://nativebase.io/
Graphic components PHOSPHOR ICONS https://phosphoricons.com/
Navigation between pages REACT NAVIGATION https://reactnavigation.org/
Database FIREBASE https://console.firebase.google.com/
React Native support Library for Firebase REACT NATIVE FIREBASE https://rnfirebase.io/





🔎 Route

  1. Part 1 - The beginning of the React Native specialization
    • Build the project prototype: https://www.figma.com/file/15HnazfsI1NFV13fIXy1wu/React-Native-Insider-5?node-id=0%3A1
    • Install VS Code (IDE)
    • Install "R Component" extension at VS Code
    • Install Expo CLI: npm install --global expo-cli
    • Create a new project: expo init my-app (bare workflow)
    • Navigate to project directory: cd my-app
    • Open the project on VS Code: code .
    • Change App.js to App.tsx
    • Create and set tsconfig.json at root
    • Install Native Base on project:
      • yarn add native-base
      • expo install react-native-svg
      • expo install react-native-safe-area-context
    • Install React Navigation on project:
      • expo install @react-navigation/native
      • expo install react-native-screens
      • expo install react-native-safe-area-context
      • expo install @react-navigation/native-stack
    • Start the development server: expo start
    • Configure the Expo Go on a mobile device or use an emulator
    • Open the app on a mobile device:
      • On your iPhone or iPad, open the default Apple "Camera" app and scan the QR code you see in the terminal
      • On your Android device, press "Scan QR Code" on the "Projects" tab of the Expo Go app and scan the QR code you see in the terminal.

  2. Part 2 - Visual design project & Navigation
    • Set project assets and styles
    • Install fonts on project: expo install expo-font @expo-google-fonts/roboto
    • Create screens:
      • Signin.tsx
      • Home.tsx
      • Register.tsx
      • Details.tsx
    • Create new components:
      • Loading.tsx
      • Input.tsx
      • Button.tsx
      • Filter.tsx
      • Order.tsx
      • Header.tsx
      • CardDetails.tsx
    • Create DTOs (Data Transfer Object):
      • OrderFirestoreDTO.ts
    • Procedure to project recognize svg files:
      • Install React-Native-SVG-Transformer library: yarn add --dev react-native-svg-transformer
      • Set metro.config.js
      • Set svg.d.ts file: ./src/@types/svg.d.ts
    • Install Phosphor React Native Icons: yarn add phosphor-react-native
    • Adding Phosphor Icons to SignIn screen
    • Add components at Home screen: ./src/screens/Home.tsx
    • Add Header, Input and Button components at Register screen: ./src/screens/Register.tsx
    • Add Header component at Details screen: ./src/screens/Details.tsx
    • Create routes:
      • AppRoutes: ./src/routes/app.routes.tsx
      • Routes: ./src/routes/index.tsx
    • Set navigation types: ./src/@types/navigation.d.ts
    • Implement navigation function at Home screen: ./src/screens/Home.tsx
    • Implement return button at Header component: ./src/components/Header.tsx
    • Apply useRoute hook at Details screen: ./src/screens/Details.tsx

  3. Part 3 - Integration with Firebase
    • We still can't run Firebase in Expo Go development environment. Set the environment:
    • Create a Firebase account, if you don't have one
    • Create a project on Firebase
    • Set the Firebase Authentication, enabling only "E-mail/password"
    • Add an user: eg. email = alex@email.com | password = 123456
    • Set the Firebase FirestoreDatabase, enabling on "Start at test mode"
    • Connecting Firebase with our application
      • Set React Native Firebase library (http://rnfirebase.io)
        • Install & setup the app module: yarn add @react-native-firebase/app
        • Install settings with Expo at app.json (plugin)
        • Add Firebase config (Google services) files for iOS and Android at project root
        • Prebuild project: expo prebuild
        • Install the firestore module: yarn add @react-native-firebase/firestore
        • Install the authentication module: yarn add @react-native-firebase/auth
    • Implement Auth Service at SignIn screen: ./src/screens/Signin.tsx
    • Start application (emulator): expo run:android
    • React Hooks usage at Routes: ./src/routes/index.tsx
    • Format date from Firestore database: ./src/utils/firestoreDateFormat.ts
    • Implement Logout, Auth Service and Firestore at Home screen: ./src/screens/Home.tsx
    • Implement React Hooks, navigation and Firestore at Register screen: ./src/screens/Register.tsx
    • Set OrderFirestoreDTO (data delivered by Firestore): ./src/DTOs/OrderFirestoreDTO.ts
    • Implement React Hooks, navigation, types and Firestore at Details screen: ./src/screens/Details.tsx
    • Setting CardDetails component: ./src/components/CardDetails.tsx
    • Implement CardDetails at Details screen: ./src/screens/Details.tsx