Run the template. Pass in 3 parameters: • DBInstanceMasterPassword • PhotoBucketName – give a unique bucket name to store the photos • StaticBucketName – give a unique bucket name to store the application zip
The template creates: • VPC, Subnets, IGW • RDS database, subnet group, security group • Dynamo table: Employees • Instance-role • Check the output for a link to the zip we build, it will look like this:
Create an ec2 instance: • VPC: app-vpc • Subnet: any public • User-data
#!/bin/bash -ex wget [insert the CF output zip here] unzip ./
• Security group: web-security-group
Create an ec2 instance: • VPC: default vpc okay • Subnet: any public • User-data
#!/bin/bash -ex wget [insert the CF output zip here] unzip ./
• Security group: web-security-group
git archive --format=zip -o ~/ HEAD
aws s3 cp ~/ s3://us-west-2-tcdev/labs/ --profile awsu