
:rocket: Basic boilerplate project to make the iOS development a little faster

Primary LanguageSwift


This is an boilerplate project made with Swift for the iOS environment. It's a basic project with some simple generic features, like:

  • Network layer with Alamofire and SwiftyJSON
  • Error handling - TO DO
  • Strings operation (date, email, string manipulations and basic validations) - TO DO
  • Object operations (Array operations, base objects and primary types extensions) - TO DO

Libraries used


First, clone the project:

$ git clone https://github.com/alexandrehcdc/base-proj-ios.git

Cocoapods is being used on this project, so you should be installing the dependencies on the Podfile:

$ pod install

After the Pods installation, you can initialize the project by opening the .xcworkspace file generated by the pod install build:

$ open base-proj-ios.xcworkspace