
Flyout React Component

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Flyout React Component

  • easy to use
  • pragmatic and predictable behaviours
  • pre-defined types: dropdown, tooltip, topbar menu
  • pre-defined themes: light and dark
  • pre-defined styles for beautiful dropdown menus
  • customizable



Example (redux), if requested I can provide an Alt example.


$ npm install --save @aneves/react-flyout


react-flyout is composed by 3 files

  • Flyout
    • stateless component
    • handles everything related to how the flyout looks and behaves when opened
  • FlyoutWrapper
    • stateless component
    • renders the Flyout when prop.open === true
    • executes prop.onWindowClick when a window click event gets fired
  • flyout.css
    • well... you know... CSS

The problem with these kind of componentes (dropdowns, modals, ...) is the need to handle window/body clicks in order to close. Why is this a problem? The lack of state and the immutability of the props make it "impossible" to close itself.

That's why I provide the FlyoutWrapper which adds and removes the window click eventListener when needed and accepts a method through the props that gets executed by the handler. This method can in turn close the flyout by updating the props sent to the wrapper.

Keep in mind that the FlyoutWrapper is optional, you can import the Flyout directly and deal with its renderization by yourself.


The usage will depend on your projects architecture but will be something along these lines:

<div className="has-flyout">
    <button data-flyout-id="flyout-example"
            onClick={e => {dispatch(flyoutToggle('flyout-example'))}}>FlyoutToggle</button>
    <Flyout id="flyout-example" options={{align: 'top right'}}>



You can pass various options as an object in the Flyout props <Flyout options={{}}>

  • align: (string)
    • bottom right: (default)
    • top middle: (default for tooltips)
    • example: bottom right will align the flyout to the bottom of the trigger and expand from left to right
    • combinations.vertical: top/bottom right/bottom/middle
    • combinations.horizontal: right/left top/bottom/middle
  • type: (string) dropdown (default) / menu / tooltip
  • theme: (string) light (default) / dark
    • tooltips are always dark
  • fixed: (bool; default: false) set as true if the Flyout is contained withing a fixed element
  • mobile: (bool; default: true) when true the Flyout will open full width/height bellow the medium media query
  • dropdownIconsLeft: (bool; default: false) set as true if type: dropdown to style (left) icons on dropdown lists
  • dropdownIconsRight: (bool; default: false) set as true if type: dropdown to style (right) icons on dropdown lists

Media Queries

Media Queries follow Foundation conventions and currently only the mediumUp value is used (when option.mobile = true). You can however set your own mediaQueries by passing prop.mediaQueries to the Flyout. If you're using the FlyoutWrapper set your mediaQueries there to avoid setting the same prop for every Flyout.

this.mediaQueries = {
    breakpointSmall: 640,
    breakpointMedium: 1024,
    breakpointLarge: 1920,
    mediumUp: 641,
    largeUp: 1025


Styles are available as SCSS and use the BEM naming convention. Customization:

// override default variables

$f_z_index_flyout: (...);
$f_z_index_flyout--dropdown: (...);

$f_font_size: (...);
$f_font_size_tooltip: (...);
$f_font_size_icon: (...);

$f_color_light: (...);
$f_color_dark: (...);
$f_color_tooltip: (...);
$f_color_border: (...);

$f_border_radius: (...);

// import original styles

@import '~@aneves/react-flyout/dist/flyout';

// define your styles
