Google Summer 2020 STEP Capstone Project

Primary LanguageJava

Welcome to Lecture Buddy. This Repo is meant for the STEP 2020 Internship Capstone Project.

Principle authors: Nathan Zhao Enrique Avina Alexandre Walsh

Hosts: Cassie Han Jiashen Wang

Clone this repo and install the requirements by navigating to CRAM/python and running pip3 install -r requirements.txt.

To deploy this project to a new GCP project: Create the Project:

  1. Go to console.cloud.google.com
  2. Create an empty project
  3. Open pom.xml file and change the deploy.projectId parameter: <deploy.projectId>YOUR_PROJECT_ID_HERE</deploy.projectId>
  4. Finish by following the Live Server instructions at: https://github.com/googleinterns/step/blob/master/walkthroughs/week-2-web-development/portfolio-walkthrough.md#live-server

To get Google Cloud Credits, complete this Google Form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeGhuAiSOIKi5VevFNJLjxMoLs0VRx9uF7i8EaEdJJhbUxS4w/viewform). Google’s Cloud DevRel team will check this form twice weekly and send you a $50 dollar credit.