Current version 0.15.0
Supported API version 2.21.1
The purpose of this SDK is to standardise how our apps communicate with the EASI'R API.
To run tests ./vendor/bin/codecept run
- Exception
- Model
- Request -- Models
- Response
The package is registered with packagist so it can simply be installed with: composer require easir/sdk
$client = new \Easir\SDK\Client("https://api.url");
$requestModel = new \Easir\SDK\Request\Model\MyRequestModel;
$requestModel->property_1 = "something";
$requestModel->property_2 = "something_else";
$myRequest = new \Easir\SDK\Request\MyRequest($requestModel);
$myResponse = $client->execute($myRequest);
You can check if the request fails with $myResponse->hasErrors()
and/or $myResponse->statusCode