- 0
Local or global?
#60 opened by 6xw - 3
Is it possible to use SoftPool on Colab?
#26 opened by PolicyWsy - 1
#59 opened by gxxdd - 4
oft pool_cuda
#57 opened by WainBK - 0
Install error
#58 opened by xiaoshuomin - 1
make test failed with ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
#56 opened by OyamingO - 1
install error
#54 opened by raozhongyu - 3
- 2
Install error
#55 opened by LiXiang0021 - 2
about kernel_size problem
#53 opened by moshicaixi - 4
find out nan in tensor
#12 opened by PJJie - 1
#52 opened by wxh1402714457 - 1
CUDA error
#50 opened by icvplayer - 5
about result picture
#51 opened by zhangxue2115 - 1
How to install softpool in windows10
#48 opened by Yancccccc - 1
- 1
pytorch inplace operation issue
#47 opened by git-luo66 - 1
softpool_cuda issue !
#46 opened by ahmedeqbal - 1
About padding
#44 opened by PJPomPom - 1
- 1
sfotpool instead of convolution in YOLO
#42 opened by xiaoyi-creator - 2
A problem I encountered when I was training
#40 opened by Adong-1209 - 1
A problem of install error
#41 opened by Chaolu1997 - 6
There is a problem with the installation
#39 opened by Adong-1209 - 5
There was an error when I used softpool on the AlexNet during classification task training.
#38 opened by JonasZero - 1
Have some trouble in "make install"
#37 opened by MikeShuang96 - 1
When will the pre-trained inception be provided
#20 opened by Javacr - 2
- 2
#33 opened by Weiziwei521 - 1
- 3
Inconsistent behavior when stride is used
#35 opened by andreadps - 0
- 8
gpu and cpu get different result
#31 opened by JasperKirk - 3
Failed to install
#30 opened by hbwslms - 3
- 2
- 1
provide ImageNet weight architecture
#28 opened by Yee-Master - 10
Hello,what is this "RuntimeError: output_grad.is_contiguous() INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED "? How can I fix the bug?
#18 opened by Jackyinuo - 5
Question for installation
#23 opened by kimo20200 - 1
about padding
#25 opened by 123wk45678 - 6
- 2
about dim Ceil_Mode =True
#24 opened by XinyingZheng - 1
#22 opened by Culturenotes - 2
- 1
Could you please provide the keras implement?
#21 opened by Ianwtg - 4
SoftPool-master/pytorch/CUDA/softpool_cuda.cpp":119, please report a bug to PyTorch. output_grad must be a contiguous tensor
#16 opened by bimver - 1
make install
#19 opened by dingguodong-826 - 1
How to load your pre-trained model?
#17 opened by caiduoduo12138 - 0
When the feature map is 19*19,without the pooling ,how i suppose to get 10*10,thanks...
#14 opened by OB-DongSheng - 1