
TypeScript web scraper framework

Primary LanguageTypeScript


CaptainScraper is a NodeJs web scraper framework. It allows developers to build simple or complex scrapers in a minimum of time. Take the time to discover these features!

Table of contents



Install the following:

  • NodeJs (>=5)
  • MongoDb
  • Typescript (npm)
  • ts-node (npm)

Clone the repository and install the required modules:

git clone git@github.com:andrewdsilva/CaptainScraper.git
cd vendor/
npm install
cd ..

With Docker

Install the following:

Build an image of CaptainScraper from the Dockerfile:

At the command line, make sure the current directory is the root of CaptainScraper project, where the docker-compose.yml is.

docker-compose build

Now you can run a terminal on the Docker with Docker Compose:

docker-compose run app bash



# Manually start mongo database
bash app/startDatabase.sh

# Execute a script located at /src/Sample/Allocine/Controller/AllocineCinemas.ts
ts-node app/console script:run Sample/Allocine/AllocineCinemas

# Equivalent
ts-node app/console script:run Sample/Allocine/Controller/AllocineCinemas

With Docker

# Execute a script using docker-compose
docker-compose run app script:run Sample/Allocine/AllocineCinemas

# Use docker-compose in dev environment (with no entrypoint)
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml run app bash

Get started


A controller is a class with a function execute that contains the main logic of your program. Every scraper has a controller. This is an example of controller declaration:

import { Controller } from '../../../../app/importer';

class MyFirstController extends Controller {

    public execute(): void {
        console.log( 'Hello world!' );


export { MyFirstController };


A parser is a function you create that reads information from a web page. There is several kind of parsers, for example HtmlParser allow you to parse the page with cheerio that is an equivalent of jQuery.

import { HtmlParser } from '../../../../app/importer';

class MyFirstParser extends HtmlParser {

    public name: string = 'MyFirstParser';

    public parse( $: any, parameters: any ): void {

        /* Finding users on the page */
        $( 'div.user' ).each(function() {
            console.log( 'User found: ' + $( this ).text() );



export { MyFirstParser };

Load a page

To load a page we use the addPage function of the Scraper module. In a controller you can get a module like this:

let scraperModule: any = this.get( 'Scraper' );

In a parser you can get the Scraper module with the parent attribute of the class. This attribute references the instance of Scraper that call the parser.

let scraperModule: any = this.parent;

Then you can call the addPage function with some parameters. This operation will be queued!

let listPageParameters: any = {
    url   : 'https://www.google.fr',
    parser: MyParser

scraperModule.addPage( listPageParameters );

Submit a form

To handle a form make sure the FormHandler module is imported in app/config/config.json.

First, load the page that contains the form you want to submit. Then, in the parser you can get the FormHandler module like that:

let formHandler: any = this.get('FormHandler');

Use the getForm function from the formHandler module to create a new Form object based on the form present in the page. The Form will be automatically filled with all the inputs presents of the HTML form.

let form: any = formHandler.getForm( '.auth-form form', $ );

Then you can set your values in the Form like this:

form.setInput( 'login', 'Robert1234' );

Call the submit function from the formHandler module to send your form. The secound parameter is the Parser that will be called with the server answer.

formHandler.submit( form, LoggedParser );

Best Practices

Organizing your project

This is a suggestion to organize your project, with separate folder for controllers and parsers.

├─ app/
├─ src/
│  └─ MyProject/
│     └─ Controller/
│        └─ MyController.ts
│     └─ Parser/
│        └─ MyFirstParser.ts
│        └─ MySecondParser.ts
├─ vendor/

All available options

Add custom config parameters

You can make your own custom parameters file and access these values from your scripts. First create the json file app/config/parameters.json and initialize it with a json object.

    "sample" : {
        "github" : {
            "login"    : "MyLogin",
            "password" : "MyPassword"

Then call the get function from the Parameters class to get a data.


You can import the Parameters class in your Controller or Parser like this:

import { Parameters } from '../../../../app/importer';

I know it's a little bit tricky, it will be simplified.

The Scraper module

Module parameters can be modified like this:

let scraperModule: any = this.get('Scraper');

scraperModule.param.websiteDomain = 'https://github.com';


  • websiteDomain domain name of the website you want to scrap, this parameter is important because it is used to complete relative URL
  • basicAuth if your website need basic authentication, set this parameter like this: user:password
  • enableCookies enable cookies like a real navigator, necessary for form handling, default: false
  • frequency maximum page loading frequency
  • maxLoadingPages maximum number of pages load in the same time
  • maxFailPerPage number of time that loading the same page can fail before giving up
  • timeout request timeout in millisecond

Parameters for the addPage function:

  • url requested url
  • header request headers (Object)
  • param data transmits to the Parser
  • parser Parser class used for this page
  • noDoublon if you want to check for duplicate request, default false
  • form form data for POST request
  • method request method (GET, POST...), default GET

The FormHandler module


  • createEmptyForm() create and return an empty Form
  • getForm( selector, $ ) create Form from HTML
  • submit( form, parser ) submit Form and call Parser

Form object methods:

  • setInput( key, value ) set the value of key in the Form

Form object parameters:

  • inputs all inputs and values of the form
  • method form method (GET, POST...)
  • action form action url

The Logs module


let logger: any = this.get('Logs');

logger.log( 'My log !' );


  • log( message, [ display = true ] ) save your log in a file and display on the console

Logs are saved in app/logs/{ CONTROLLER_NAME }.log.