
E-Commerce Store Selenium Automation Testing Training Project

Primary LanguageJava

Selenium WebDriver Training

This is the final project I completed as part of my Selenium training to become a Java QA Automation Engineer within the company. Used knowledge gained throughout the course of an internal company training to develop a testing framework for a demo e-commerce application as part of the final task.

Technology Stack:

  1. Programming language - Java
  2. Build and project management tool - Maven
  3. Testing framework - JUnit 5
  4. Automation framework - Selenium WebDriver
  5. Reporting framework - Allure


  1. Automate 5 scenarios (described below)
  2. Tests from 1 test class should be executed in 1 browser (if 3 test classes - browser should be opened 3 times, before each test class, not before each test method)
  3. Required Design Patterns: Page Object + Page Factory, Singleton (can add more)
  4. If your project contains DDT - store datasets in txt/xml/json files
  5. Project should be shared on Github or Bitbucket
  6. Tests should work in Chrome and Firefox browsers
  7. Add switch in code to run tests locally/ using Selenium Grid/ SauceLabs/ Docker (user can give params - url, port, etc)
  8. If test fails, attach screenshot, date and time, browser, platform version to your report
  9. Add cleanup

Test Plan:

AP-1 Verify the ability to create an account

  1. Go to login page https://magento.softwaretestingboard.com/customer/account/create/
  2. Fill required fields
  3. Click Create an account button

Expected result: Account was created

AP-2 Verify the ability to login in

  1. Go to main page: https://magento.softwaretestingboard.com/
  2. Fill Email address and Password inputs
  3. Click Sign in button

Expected result: You were able to login

AP-3 Verify the ability to add an address

  1. Login
  2. Go to address book: https://magento.softwaretestingboard.com/customer/address/index/
  3. Add new address

Expected result: New address was added to the address list

AP-4 Verify the ability to add products to Wishlist

  1. Login
  2. Go to a page with clothes
  3. Go to any product detail page and click Add to Wishlist button

Expected result: Product was added to Wishlist

AP-5 Verify the ability to add products to cart

  1. Login
  2. Go to a page with clothes
  3. Add 3 different products to cart
  4. Go to shopping cart

Expected result: All 3 products are in the cart and subtotal is correct