
Trawehere. It's a website that helps you plan your trips around the world.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a travel website that helps you plan your trips around the world.

Run the website

To see the website run you first have to start the express server that is based on.

npm start

After that you have two options:

# run the production mode
npm run build-prod

#run the development mode
npm run build-dev


  • Select the country you want to visit from all the countries around the world. Then type down the city you want to see.

  • Choose the day you want to leave and the day you want to come back. The day you want to leave can't be a day previous the current day

  • After you've choose the country, city and the dates, just press search and you'll get the forecast for the days of your trip. Keep in mind that we are able to provide only 16 days from today. After that you won't get nothing!

  • You will get a small card. Press select and a modal will show up! In that modal will be present a slideshow with the city you have selected before. 5.In the modal there will be also some information about the country you will visit like the timezone, the region the country is, the main language and the currency.

Aditional info

You can download a pdf with your trip info!