
Ansible scripts to bootstrap a fresh host machine

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Ansible scripts to bootstrap a fresh host machine


You must have Ansible installed on your machine.

If you're lazy, like me, and using Ubuntu, this is what you have to do to install it on Ubuntu.

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install software-properties-common
$ sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
$ sudo apt install ansible


Start the bootstrapping process by running

$ ansible-playbook playbook/bootstrap.yml

The playbook makes use of the become keyword to execute tasks with root privileges when installing packages. The tasks assume your user is in sudoers and it can run the sudo command passwordless. If you need to type your password, start the bootstrapping process by running

$ ansible-playbook playbook/bootstrap.yml --ask-become-pass

The --ask-become-pass argument is used so you won't write your password in plaintext in the playbook. You should never keep your password in plaintext.

What you'll get

  • First it will perform an update and autoclean on your system (:warning: take care if the system isn't a fresh install).
  • Basic dev tools: build-essential, git, tmux, valgrind, etc.
  • D Language toolkit: ldc2, dub, etc.
  • Vim as in ide: this will also clone my vimrc and install the plugins
  • Zsh with oh-my-zsh: I'm not trying to force zsh on anyone; I just like it.

Feel free to clone, fork and hack to meet your needs. PRs are welcomed.


This was tested only on Ubuntu.