
Django widgets to render jsonschema as admin forms

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This package renders a jsonschema as part of a django form.


Just run pip install django-jsonschema-form and then add an entry on your django project's settings.


How it works

The core component is basicaly a django widget that receives a jsonschema and renders a form fragment. It uses the JSON Editor js library to actually render this fragment.

In practice you only have to override the admin widget like the snippet bellow.

# Imporing Widget
from jsonschemaform.admin.widgets.jsonschema_widget import JSONSchemaWidget

# Here it is used postgres JSONField field implementation. Other implementation can be used depending on your DB
from django.contrib.postgres.fields import JSONField

# JSONSchema definition
schema = {
    "title": "Config Schema",
    "description": "My configutation schema",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "columns": {
            "description": "List of columns size",
            "type": "array"
        "class": {
            "description": "A reference css class",
            "type": "string"
        "container": {
            "default": "container",
            "description": "Default page container",
            "type": "string"
    "required": [

# Overriding widgets for all instances of JSONField on PageAdmin form
class PageAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    formfield_overrides = {
        JSONField: {'widget': JSONSchemaWidget(schema)}

This form will look like

rendered Jsonschema

Usage in non-admin views

If you are using jsonschemaform in your regular django views, rather than in the django admin, you need to add a {{ form.media }} template variable to the <head> or end of the <body> HTML section of your templates.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    ... {{ form.media }}

The media variable is already added in default django admin templates.

Tweaking the editor

It is possible to configure the editor through django settings using the key JSONSCHEMAFORM.

    settings = {
        "css": {
            "all": (
        "options": {
            "theme": "bootstrap4",
            "iconlib": "fontawesome4",
            "no_additional_properties": True,

The settings above is also the default configuration.

But you can override or add any options described on JSON Editor options.

Building the package

The package can be built locally by running:

python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel