React Native to do list

This is my initial implementation of a Todo List, with the following requirements

  • Create todo items
  • Mark items as done
  • Edit description of an existing item
  • Delete item from a list
  • Plus delete all items from a list

This app was tested on IOS and Android. I did the setup without Expo, just because I have the IOS and Android environment working already

What it would be the next steps:

  • Create another list and select lists from collection of lists
  • Move items from a list to another
  • Syncronize lists and todo items between multiple devices For this functionality I would move the storage implementation to a component to handle the sync, from local, using SQLite or Async Storage to an API or using other store types like Redis
  • Set deadline on any of my items and clearly see when an item is overdue

and more...

  • I started the Jest tests but I had issues to mock React Native Navigation. Once we have the tests running, I would create a Circle CI build to run the tests


  • I decided to move forward with native components instead to use a UI Library
  • I used Async Storage to persist the data, but we could use SQLite or connect to an simple API with authorization tokens set in environment variables

Related projects

Checkout my open source project React Native Ready, with an example app:

This app use Redux and a UI Library, and connects with a sample api.