A card for Home Assistant Lovelace for exploring the history of your entities interactively and in real time.
- 5
- 5
- 2
No entity pull-bown menu on HA Android app
#209 opened by Cook23 - 1
- 13
Too many errors logged while editing card
#215 opened by erkr - 3
FR: add entities of groups
#216 opened by erkr - 1
Set a different baseline in y-axis for the fill area. Positive/negative reference starting from 32.
#220 opened by sdrapha - 2
- 1
Feature Request: Add weekly option for bar graph
#225 opened by gedger - 6
- 6
Labels should display "processed" value
#229 opened by fredck - 1
Catalan translation
#231 opened by PutoPunko - 2
Support of multiple Y-axes
#233 opened by wrfz - 2
- 3
Fix start / end date
#235 opened by KlausV66 - 1
Bar chart: place x-axis label below the bar
#237 opened by Kanecaine - 1
Bar-chart: show chart value on the graph
#238 opened by Kanecaine - 1
- 2
Blank graph
#240 opened by Lockie85 - 1
Hide interactive inputs
#239 opened by bigboban - 3
- 1
Export csv fil like 5 min ?????
#236 opened by Hot-Rod6811 - 1
how to round to an integer?
#230 opened by EaglePPP - 2
What's the bottleneck to speed?
#228 opened by bastiaanterhorst - 3
Feature request: Vertical reference line
#224 opened by GreeMart - 2
- 1
Feature Request: combine bar graph from multiple sources vertically, not horizontally
#223 opened by bisbastuner - 1
- 2
Feature Request - Set default line width
#214 opened by gedger - 2
local daylight time affects rendering in subtle ways
#218 opened by mfiano - 2
Not working on app android or ios
#217 opened by sarkat - 3
Feature request: set default line width
#213 opened by gedger - 1
Display attributes history
#212 opened by fredck - 7
Auto coloring based on class
#210 opened by Pulpyyyy - 4
Entity name being cut off
#208 opened by jazzyisj - 4
Uncaught error
#207 opened by mobiledude - 1
Script error. null @:0:0
#204 opened by Mariusthvdb - 3
FR: Allow override of max tick density calculation
#191 opened by dxmnkd316 - 3
- 1
Counter entities show as wrong chart
#201 opened by maorcc - 1
Y-axis intervals
#196 opened by DaniJulia - 4
I don't get why the display looks like this
#203 opened by commentsonly - 6
graph view starting from midnight of current day
#199 opened by JanDetrez - 1
Get last value of day
#198 opened by JanDetrez - 5
- 4
FR: Averaging/Mean Values per Entity
#192 opened by dafunkydan - 1
Function for automatic .csv export
#200 opened by fixnito - 4
No x/y axis labels?
#193 opened by fcassirer - 4
Showing current sensor value not working
#194 opened by felixwelsch - 7
Fill transpancy lost when setting fill color
#189 opened by lnaylor13