Checkout the branch of #853,

$ git clone -b topic/optim
$ cd Ammonite

Publish it locally, along with one of its intermediary commit,

$ git checkout 9a47943a
$ mill '__[2.12.6].publishLocal'
$ git checkout 84d48542
$ rm -rf out # just in case
$ mill '__[2.12.6].publishLocal'

(If you are using mill 0.2.4, you may need to change Some(mapDependencies) in to Some(mapDependencies()).)

Clone this repository with

$ cd ..
$ git clone
$ cd ammonite-benchmark

Run the main benchmarks with

$ rm -rf results # wipe previous results
$ ./ default
$ ./ ammonite-tty-optim
$ ./ ammonite-optim

(paste the text that puts in the clipboard, as the instructions should say)

Plot the results with

$ ./

(should open a browser tab with a box plot)

To run the benchmark with the current master of Ammonite (commit 53edc31), do

$ ./ ammonite-current

Instead of simply pasting the code that puts in the clipboard, paste it in a text editor, then feed it 10~20 lines at a time to Ammonite. Apart from the very first and very last lines, it mostly consists of the same block of code, repeated multiple times, so it should be easy to simply paste that code multiple times in a row. Just pay attention to paste at the same time entire blocks whose duration matters (the val start = … line and its subsequent val end = … line should be pasted at the same time).