git clone
cd bokeh-docker/afi-mysql
docker build -t afi-mysql .
cd bokeh-docker/afi-nginx
docker build -t afi-nginx .
cd bokeh-docker/afi-php7.1-dev
docker build -t afi-php-7.1-dev .
docker image ls
afi-mysql latest 750e516451bb About a minute ago 530MB
These images contain configuration instructions needed to deploy / run Bokeh for a development environment
cd bokeh-docker/bokeh-mysql
docker build -t bokeh-mysql .
cd bokeh-docker/bokeh-nginx
docker build -t bokeh-nginx .
Note: this build a PHP 7.1 development environment. To use another PHP version, edit the Dockerfile and change the FROM image to the one you need.
cd bokeh-docker/bokeh-php-dev
docker build -t bokeh-php-7.1-dev .
docker pull memcached
In order for dockers containers to communicate (for example, php container have to connect to memcache on the network), you can create a private docker network named bokeh0 (this name will be used later to run all containers):
docker network create --driver=bridge --subnet= --ip-range= --gateway= bokeh0
docker run -d --network=bokeh0 -p 11211:11211 --name bokeh-memcache -h bokeh-memcache memcached -m 64
docker logs bokeh-memcache --follow
docker run -d --network=bokeh0 -p 3306:3306 --name bokeh-mysql -h bokeh-mysql -e uid=$(id -u) -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(cat /opt/AFI/etc/root_pwd) -e install_dir=www -v $(pwd):/home/webmaster/ bokeh-mysql
This will clone the Bokeh project in www subdirectory ( install_dir param ). In order to set files ownership to the you account, use the uid param as follow.
cd your/work/space/
docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --network=bokeh0 --name my-bokeh-dev -h bokeh-php-7.1-dev -e install_dir=www -e uid=$(id -u) -v $(pwd)/:/home/webmaster/ bokeh-php-7.1-dev
docker run -d --network=bokeh0 -p 8080:80 -p 4430:443 --name bokeh-nginx -h bokeh-nginx -e uid=$(id -u) -e install_dir=www -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(cat /opt/AFI/etc/root_pwd) -e -e php_host=bokeh-php -e db_host=bokeh-mysql -e db_name=bokeh -e db_user=bokeh -e db_pwd=bokeh1234 -v $(pwd):/home/webmaster/ bokeh-nginx