Quaternion Julia Set Shape Optimization

Primary LanguageC++

QUIJIBO: Quaternion Julia Set Shape Optimization

This is an updated version of Dr. Theodore Kim's QUIJIBO source code, modified to use bempp-cl instead of BEM++, which is now rather difficult to build and run.

To build this program, you will need to create an empty bin directory for the built binaries:

$ git clone https://github.com/alexaschor/QUIJIBO
$ mkdir bin
$ make

For information about usage of this program, see the QUIJIBO source code page. This modified version still runs the BEM solve via a system call, so to run the full pipeline (see "Usage: Advanced" on the source code page) you will need to do the following:

  1. Install bempp-cl and its dependencies (including Gmsh capabilities). You can do this using the requirements.txt file in projects/bemWrapper or manually, following the instructions on the Bempp GitHub page or bempp.com. solve_potential.py is written to be compatible with Bempp 0.2.3.
  2. Modify the system calls in bemWrapper.cpp to activate the proper Python environment (if you installed Bempp in your main Python environment you can skip this part) and then specify the location of solve_potential.py on your disk. You can use a relative path for this, but note that it will be relative to your current working directory when you execute ./bemWrapper, not relative to where you build QUIJIBO.