
Multiple storybook composed into a single one. POC in order to create a single storybook hosting all the teams components

Primary LanguageCSS


Multiple storybook composed into a single one. POC in order to create a single storybook hosting all the teams components

What needs to be tested in this POC

  • Create 2 storybooks representing individual teams
  • Create a single storybook hosting all the teams components
  • Test the local version of the storybook composition
  • Test the hybrid version of the storybook composition with the design system embedded
  • Test the hosted version of the storybook composition
  • Test features like dark mode toggle and theming
  • Are all of our addons working in a composed environement?
  • Setup in NextJs 12 with storybook 6 - With working svgr loader
  • Setup in CRA5 with Craco with storybook 6- With working svgr loader