Oregon URISA Young Professionals

This is the source for the OR-URISA YP website.

To create a new blog post

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. In your fork, go to the _posts directory.
  3. Create a new file. It should be named like this:


For example:


  1. Write a new blog post using the Github editor! You'll need a little metadata at the top:
layout: post
title: The Title of your Blog

Once you've filled that out, you can write the article itself using Markdown. Here's some example content:

# Blog Title

This is a paragraph!

- this
- is
- a
- list

[Here's a link](http://orurisayp.org/).

![This is a picture](http://orurisayp.org/assets/images/orurisalogo.png)
  1. Make sure to commit your changes at the bottom of the page.

If you're comfortable working with Ruby and the command line, you can try previewing the site locally by following the installation instructions below and starting the Jekyll server locally.

  1. When you're happy with your post, open a pull request to merge your changes into the main repository.
  2. An admin for the OR-URISA YP github organization will review your pull request and merge it if everything looks okay. Hooray! 🎉



This is a github pages site using Jekyll.

To run this site locally you'll need to be comfortable working from a terminal application.

You'll also need to have both Ruby and Jekyll installed to get it working on your local machine.

To install Ruby, follow instructions from the Ruby installation guide. Once that's done, you can install Jekyll with the following command:

gem install jekyll

Running the site locally

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone your fork to your computer
git clone git@github.com:{YOUR USERNAME}/or-urisa-yps.github.com.git
  1. cd into the repository you just cloned
  2. Start a local server with the following command:
jekyll serve


Built with Jekyll-Bootstrap: http://jekyllbootstrap.com, which is licensed with Creative Commons