
Groceries-API-REST is a concise and efficient API crafted for managing product data in a MongoDB database, purpose-built for grocery store management systems.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Groceries API REST is a robust and feature-rich RESTful API designed for managing product data in a MongoDB database, tailored specifically for grocery store management systems. Built with JavaScript, Node.js, and Express, this API provides a seamless interface for performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on product data.


  • Comprehensive CRUD Operations: Groceries API REST offers a comprehensive set of CRUD operations, allowing users to efficiently manage product data with ease.

  • Express Middleware: Utilizing Express middleware such as CORS and Morgan enhances security and logging capabilities, ensuring a secure and well-documented API.

  • MongoDB Integration with Mongoose: Seamless integration with MongoDB using Mongoose facilitates efficient storage and retrieval of product information, ensuring optimal performance and scalability.


  • cors: ^2.8.5
  • ejs: ^3.1.9
  • express: ^4.18.2
  • mongoose: ^8.1.1
  • morgan: ^1.10.0

Development Dependencies

  • dotenv: ^16.4.1
  • nodemon: ^3.0.3

Getting Started

To start using Groceries API REST:

  1. Clone the Repository: Clone the repository to your local machine.

  2. Install Dependencies: Install dependencies using npm install.

  3. Set Up Environment Variables: Configure environment variables in a .env file as needed, following the example provided in .env.example.

  4. Start the Server: Start the server using npm start or npm run dev for development with nodemon.

  5. Access the API Endpoints: Utilize the API endpoints to perform CRUD operations for managing product data.

API Endpoints

  • GET /: Retrieve all products.
  • GET /:barcode: Retrieve a specific product by barcode.
  • POST /: Insert a new product.
  • PUT /:barcode: Update an existing product by barcode.
  • DELETE /delete/:barcode: Delete a product by barcode.


Groceries API REST provides a straightforward and efficient way to manage product data for grocery store management systems. Integrate the API endpoints into your frontend application to seamlessly perform CRUD operations.


Contributions to Groceries API REST are welcome! If you have any suggestions, feature requests, or bug reports, please submit them through the repository's issue tracker.


This project is under the MIT License. Please refer to the LICENSE file for more details.


If you have questions, suggestions, or comments, don't hesitate to get in touch with me. You can reach me at my social media.


I hope you find this repository useful for learning and practicing. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact me. Enjoy exploring my GitHub profile!