
This repository focuses on the use of recursion in the Java programming language.

Primary LanguageJava


This repository focuses on the use of recursion in the Java programming language. Recursion is a powerful technique that allows a function to call itself to solve problems elegantly and efficiently. In this repository, you will find information and resources related to recursion in Java.


The repository includes:

  • Information about recursion and how it works.
  • General examples of how to implement recursion in Java.
  • Programming exercises and challenges involving recursion.
  • Additional resources to learn more about recursion in Java.

What is Recursion?

Recursion is a programming concept that involves a function calling itself to solve a problem in terms of smaller cases. In Java, recursion is commonly used to solve mathematical problems, search algorithms, and other programming challenges.

General Examples

You will find general examples of how to implement recursion in Java. These examples can help you understand the basics of recursion and how it is applied in programming.

Recursion Exercises

You will find programming challenges that involve recursion. These exercises are an excellent way to practice your skills in implementing recursive functions and solving problems with recursion.


If you have examples, exercises, or resources related to recursion in Java that you'd like to contribute, they are welcome!


If you have questions, suggestions, or comments, don't hesitate to get in touch with me. You can reach me at my social media.


I hope you find this repository useful for learning and practicing recursion in Java. Enjoy exploring and coding!