
Repo containing content for learning Go

Primary LanguageGo

Random notes for personal use

Function receiver

  • SYNTAX: func [receiver] funcName(){}
// Any variable of type "deck" now has access to the "print" method
// You can think of 'd' as 'this' or 'self' in OOP languages like Java or Python
- EXAMPLE: func (d deck) print() {
    fmt.Println (deck)

Why don't we have to import a function from other files?

  • Because it's under the same package


  • &variable - Gives a memory address of the value this variable is pointing to
  • *pointer - Gives the value this memory address is pointing at

Example and explanation

Assume person is a struct

func (pointerToPerson *person) updateName() {

*person - This is a type description it means we're working with a poitner to a person *pointerToPerson - This is an operator, it means we want to manipulate the value the pointer is referencing


  • Turn address into value with *address
  • Turn value into address with &value

Value Types

Types that need pointers to change

  • int
  • float
  • string
  • bool
  • structs

Reference Types

Types that don't need pointers to change

  • slices
  • maps
  • channels
  • pointers
  • functions