
Trigger confetti explosions on state transitions

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm version

Trigger confetti explosions on state transitions:

import Confetti from 'react-dom-confetti';

// in render
<Confetti active={ this.props.completed } />

This will trigger a confetti explision every time the prop active goes from a falsy to truthy value.




Slow operations annoy users and stakeholders. We have two options, either optimize slow operations or make it worth the wait. This library focus on the latter.



Required. Triggers an explosion when transitions from falsy to truthy.


Optional. Configuration object to control the characteristics of the confetti:

  • angle - direction of the explosion in degrees, defaults to 90.
  • spread - spread of the explosion in degrees, deafults to 45.
  • startVelocity - Initial velocity of the particles, defaults to 45.
  • elementCount - Number of particle elements, default to 50.
  • decay - Decrease in velocity per frame, defaults to 0.9
  • colors - An array of colours to use for the confetti pieces.

License MIT, copyright Daniel Lundin 2017