Getting and Cleaning Data Project

##Alex Baur ##11/19/15


The code begins by reading all test objects and train objects (X, Y, subject).

subject_train <- read.table("train/subject_train.txt", header = FALSE)

Y_train <- read.table("train/Y_train.txt", header = FALSE)

X_train <- read.table("train/X_train.txt", header = FALSE)

subject_train <- read.table("train/subject_train.txt", header = FALSE)

Y_train <- read.table("train/Y_train.txt", header = FALSE)

X_train <- read.table("train/X_train.txt", header = FALSE)

It then combines the like variables through rbind in the base package.

subject <- rbind(subject_train, subject_test)

Y <- rbind(Y_train, Y_test)

X <- rbind(X_train, X_test)

Now we are presented a problem though, X has no labeling for all of the values taken during the experiment. We have a file in our

directory that contains that information however: "features.txt". We read it in and notice that it is a list that is oriented ### vertically which will not allow us to apply it to X. Thus the transpose function is used to orient and assign the column names.

names <- read.table("features.txt")

colnames(X) <- transpose(names[2])

We are now ready to combine all 3 data sets together.

colnames(Y) <- "Activity_type"

colnames(subject) <- "subject_number"

combined <- cbind(subject, Y, X)

We are then required to extract the variables that only relate to standard deviation or the mean. This is accomplished through the ### use of meta characters from the "features.txt" file again.

fmeanstd <- features[grep("[Mm][Ee][Aa][Nn]|[Ss][Tt][Dd]", features$V2), ]

The combined data frame is then filtered with the mean and std variables for a more concise data set.

combined_mean_std <- combined[, c(1, 2, fmeanstd$V1+2)]

The activity labels must then be assigned to the Aactivity_type column so that it is more easily recognized.

activity_labels <- read.table("activity_labels.txt", strip.white = TRUE)

combined_mean_std$Activity_type <- activity_labels[combined_mean_std$Activity_type, 2]

The variables measured from the device are messy and need to be cleaned up. Abbreviations were expanded upon and non-alpha ### characters were sorted out except at the end or where deemed necessary.

names(combined_mean_std)<-gsub("[Aa]cc", "Accelerometer", names(combined_mean_std))

names(combined_mean_std)<-gsub("angle", "Angle", names(combined_mean_std))

names(combined_mean_std)<-gsub("[Bb]ody[Bb]ody", "Body", names(combined_mean_std))

names(combined_mean_std)<-gsub("^f", "Frequency", names(combined_mean_std))

names(combined_mean_std)<-gsub("-freq()", "Frequency", names(combined_mean_std))

names(combined_mean_std)<-gsub("gravity", "Gravity", names(combined_mean_std))

names(combined_mean_std)<-gsub("Gyro", "Gyroscope", names(combined_mean_std))

names(combined_mean_std)<-gsub("[Mm]ag", "Magnitude", names(combined_mean_std))

names(combined_mean_std)<-gsub("-mean", "Mean", names(combined_mean_std))

names(combined_mean_std)<-gsub("-std", "StdDev", names(combined_mean_std))

names(combined_mean_std)<-gsub("^t", "Time", names(combined_mean_std))

names(combined_mean_std)<-gsub("tBody", "T-Body", names(combined_mean_std))

Finally, we take the data and aggregate it based on the mean of the data and write it to a file.

tidy <- aggregate(. ~subject_number + Activity_type, combined_mean_std, mean)

tidy <- tidy[order(tidy$subject_number,tidy$Activity_type),]

write.table(tidy, file = "tidydata.txt",