
Allows you to check for broken links in all internal pages of a website

Primary LanguagePython


If you are seeing this on GitHub, you should know that this is a mirror from Gitlab: https://gitlab.com/alexbenfica/check-links/ Issues and and milestones are all there!

What does it do?

Allows you to check for broken links in all internal pages of a website and more:

  • export results to comma separated values (.csv)
  • can also be imported as module

It is used for some specific tasks:

  • find broken urls on pages
  • as a desired side effect, load pages and forces caching creation
  • created to run in a daily basis reporting broken links of multi site network

How to use it?

You can download an run via command line: python3 check_links.py --help


You can install via pip3: pip3 install -U checklinks

It is simple and really fast as it reuses http socket connections!

Enjoy it!