
Glitch a gif from your webcam in your browser

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Frontend Setup

If you've already setup Node, Compass, Grunt and Bower from a previous project, here's the quick setup guide to get you started.

  1. Edit package.json to manage Node modules required for Grunt tasks
  2. Run npm install and bower install to install/update third party scripts used in the project
  3. Run grunt start to compile markup, css, watch for changes, and open a window with BrowserSync to start developing


The source files that compile into html/css/js can be found in src.

  • src/coffee -> app/scripts
  • src/mustache + src/json -> app/index.html
  • src/sass -> app/styles/main.css

Full Setup

  1. Install Git
  2. Install Node
  3. Install Grunt
  4. Install Compass
  5. Install Bower
  6. Clone the project
  7. Run npm install and bower install
  8. Run grunt start