Tools for making Celery and RabbitMQ a joy to work with in Python 3.5
Qabbage aims to make developing software with RabbitMQ and Celery as easy as possible. To that end, it includes
a more flexible Celery task discovery mechanism, a set of scaffolding tools, a python wrapper over rabbitmqctl
a more modern async api based on Kriskowal's Q library for JavaScript.
After installing qabbage, create the following file in the root directory of your Python project.
from celery import Celery
from qabbage.registry import find_and_register_qabbage_tasks
from qabbage.promise import promise_maker
app = Celery('qabbage_setup',
promise = promise_maker(app)
tasks = find_and_register_qabbage_tasks(globals())
if __name__ == '__main__':
Set the broker connection string to your environment's own.
is responsible for
1) Defining a promise decorator that can be used anywhere throughout your project
2) Finding and 'registering' the aforementioned promises so that they can be used as Celery tasks.
The promise decorator marks a function that can be sent to a queue and then processed by a separate worker process.
from fractions import gcd
from qabbage_setup import promise
def get_gcd(x, y):
return gcd(x, y)
When find_and_register_qabbage_tasks
runs in
it looks through all of the files in the project and
registers any qabbage promises it finds into the
namespace. When Celery is run with qabbage_setup
as a parameter
it is able to work with any promise defined in the project as though it was explictly registered with Celery.
###q.all Now that we have a promise defined we can use qabbage to send it to the queue for processing.
import qabbage as q
from first_qabbage_promise import get_gcd
def good_path(res):
return res
def bad_path(err):
if __name__ == '__main__':
result = q.all(get_gcd(x, y) for x, y in zip(range(1000), range(1000))).then(
good_path, bad_path
Lastly, start up your celery worker by navigating to the root directory of your project and running the following from the command line:
celery -A qabbage_setup worker --loglevel=info
In a separate process from the Celery worker run:
Voila! You're asynchronous.