
Docker images for GitHub Actions Runner

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

GitHub Actions Runner

Docker Pulls

Docker images for GitHub Actions Runner include Docker CLI and Docker Compose (2.283.1+).

Build Status

Container Base amd64
ubuntu focal focal-amd64-ci
ubuntu jammy jammy-amd64-ci

Full Tag Listing

Linux Images

Tags Architecture Dockerfile OS Version
github-runner:2.277.1-focal amd64 Dockerfile Ubuntu 20.04
github-runner:2.278.0-focal amd64 Dockerfile Ubuntu 20.04
github-runner:2.279.0-focal amd64 Dockerfile Ubuntu 20.04
github-runner:2.283.1-focal amd64 Dockerfile Ubuntu 20.04
github-runner:2.302.1-focal amd64 Dockerfile Ubuntu 20.04
github-runner:2.302.1-jammy amd64 Dockerfile Ubuntu 22.04


Run the Container

To run GitHub Actions Runner container for organization, execute the command:

docker run -d --restart always --name github-runner \
  -e RUNNER_NAME="you-runner-name" \
  -e GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN="you-github-access-token" \
  -e RUNNER_GROUP="you-runner-group" \
  -e RUNNER_ORGANIZATION_URL="https://github.com/you-org" \
  -e RUNNER_LABELS="you-runner-labels,you-other-runner-labels" \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v /tmp:/tmp \

To run GitHub Actions Runner container for repository, execute the command:

docker run -d --restart always --name github-runner \
  -e RUNNER_NAME="you-runner-name" \
  -e GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN="you-github-access-token" \
  -e RUNNER_GROUP="you-runner-group" \
  -e RUNNER_REPOSITORY_URL="https://github.com/you-repo" \
  -e RUNNER_LABELS="you-runner-labels,you-other-runner-labels" \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v /tmp:/tmp \

Environment variables

The following environment variables allows you to control the configuration parameters.

Name Description Required / Default value
RUNNER_NAME Name of the runner displayed in the GitHub UI Hostname of the container
RUNNER_LABELS Extra labels in addition to the default: 'self-hosted,Linux,X64' (based on your OS and architecture) ""
RUNNER_WORK_DIRECTORY Runner's work directory "_work"
RUNNER_REPOSITORY_URL The runner will be linked to this repository URL Required if RUNNER_ORGANIZATION_URL is not provided
RUNNER_ORGANIZATION_URL The runner will be linked to this organization URL. (Self-hosted runners API for organizations is currently in public beta and subject to changes) Required if RUNNER_REPOSITORY_URL is not provided
GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN Personal Access Token. Used to dynamically fetch a new runner token (recommended, see below). Required if RUNNER_TOKEN is not provided.
RUNNER_TOKEN Runner token provided by GitHub in the Actions page. These tokens are valid for a short period. Required if GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN is not provided


The Docker Image is available under the MIT license.

Licensing details


Report issues or suggestions in the GitHub Issues.