This is my own step-by-step implementation of the Chirp app.
express installation (local) needed: npm install express --save
command to start: node app.js
typos in both README and Finished, causing the particular posts API not working (no errors, just undefined
- must be
Tests console log:
Registration successful for: sash
Serializing user: sash
POST /auth/signup 302 698.669 ms - 47
Deserializing user: sash
GET /auth/success 200 18.152 ms - 120
Response we get:
state: "success"
user: {
username: "sash"
password: "$2a$10$LpWW..."
Deserializing user: sash
GET /auth/signout 302 6.280 ms - 35
GET / 304 5.930 ms - -
Sucessfully authenticated: sash
Serializing user: sash
POST /auth/login 302 621.706 ms - 47
Deserializing user: sash
GET /auth/success 304 2.906 ms - -
POST http://localhost:3000/auth/signup
POST http://localhost:3000/auth/login
state: "success"
user: {
_id: "5574885061ed8bbc0ecca392"
password: "$2a$10$u....."
username: "alex"
__v: 0
created_at: "2015-06-07T18:07:12.684Z"
Create a new post
POST http://localhost:3000/api/posts
__v: 0
created_by: "5574885061ed8bbc0ecca392"
text: "Hi there!"
_id: "55748d5a61ed8bbc0ecca393"
created_at: "2015-06-07T18:28:42.099Z"
Update the existing post
PUT http://localhost:3000/api/posts/55748d5a61ed8bbc0ecca393
_id: "55748d5a61ed8bbc0ecca393"
created_by: "5574885061ed8bbc0ecca392"
text: "Hi there! Let's chirp!"
__v: 0
created_at: "2015-06-07T18:28:42.099Z"
Get the posts collection
GET http://localhost:3000/api/posts
_id: "55748d5a61ed8bbc0ecca393",
created_by: "5574885061ed8bbc0ecca392",
text: "Hi there! Let's chirp!",
__v: 0,
created_at: "2015-06-07T18:28:42.099Z"
_id: "5574901c61ed8bbc0ecca394",
created_by: "5574885061ed8bbc0ecca392",
text: "Chirp on! :)",
__v: 0,
created_at: "2015-06-07T18:40:28.729Z"
Get the particular post
GET http://localhost:3000/api/posts/5574901c61ed8bbc0ecca394
_id: "5574901c61ed8bbc0ecca394",
created_by: "5574885061ed8bbc0ecca392",
text: "Chirp on! :)",
__v: 0,
created_at: "2015-06-07T18:40:28.729Z"
has a temporary fix of created_by
- now of type String but must be a relation to userSchema
. Should be noticed in readme.