
Easily add metrics to your system -- and actually understand them using automatically customized Prometheus queries

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Go Reference Discord Shield

Metrics are a powerful and cost-efficient tool for understanding the health and performance of your code in production, but it's hard to decide what metrics to track and even harder to write queries to understand the data.

Autometrics is a Go Generator bundled with a library that instruments your functions with the most useful metrics: request rate, error rate, and latency. It standardizes these metrics and then generates powerful Prometheus queries based on your function details to help you quickly identify and debug issues in production.


  • //autometrics:inst directive adds useful metrics to any function, without you thinking about what metrics to collect
  • 💡 Generates powerful Prometheus queries to help quickly identify and debug issues in production
  • 🔗 Injects links to live Prometheus charts directly into each function's doc comments
  • 📊 Grafana dashboards work without configuration to visualize the performance of functions & SLOs
  • 🔍 Correlates your code's version with metrics to help identify commits that introduced errors or latency
  • 📏 Standardizes metrics across services and teams to improve debugging
  • ⚖️ Function-level metrics provide useful granularity without exploding cardinality

Advanced Features

See autometrics.dev for more details on the ideas behind autometrics.


Documentation comments of instrumented function is augmented with links

When alerting rules are added, code annotations make Prometheus trigger alerts directly from production usage:

a Slack bot is posting an alert directly in the channel

A fully working use-case and example of library usage is available in the examples/web subdirectory. You can build and run load on the example server using:

git submodule update --init
docker compose -f docker-compose.prometheus-example.yaml up

And then explore the generated links by opening the main file in your editor.


There is a one-time setup phase to prime the code for autometrics. Once this phase is accomplished, only calling go generate is necessary.

1. Install the go generator.

The generator is the binary in cmd/autometrics, so the easiest way to get it is to install it through go:

go install github.com/autometrics-dev/autometrics-go/cmd/autometrics@latest
Make sure your `$PATH` is set up In order to have `autometrics` visible then, make sure that the directory `$GOBIN` (or the default `$GOPATH/bin`) is in your `$PATH`:
$ echo "$PATH" | grep -q "${GOBIN:-$GOPATH/bin}" && echo "GOBIN in PATH" || echo "GOBIN not in PATH, please add it"

2. Import the libraries and initialize the metrics

In the main entrypoint of your program, you need to both add package

import (

And then in your main function initialize the metrics

		autometrics.BuildInfo{Version: "0.4.0", Commit: "anySHA", Branch: ""},

Everything in BuildInfo is optional. It will add relevant information on the metrics for better intelligence. You can use any string variable whose value is injected at build time by ldflags for example, or use environment variables.

3. Add directives for each function you want to instrument

Warning You must both add the //go:generate directive, and one //autometrics:inst directive per function you want to instrument

On top of each file you want to use Autometrics in, you need to have a go generate cookie:

//go:generate autometrics

Then instrumenting functions depend on their signature, expand the corresponding subsection to see details:

Once it is done, you can call the generator

For error-returning functions

Expand to instrument error returning functions

Given a starting function like:

func AddUser(args any) error {
        // Do stuff
        return nil

The manual changes you need to do are:

-func AddUser(args any) error {
+func AddUser(args any) (err error) {
        // Do stuff
        return nil

The generated metrics will count a function as having failed if the err return value is non-nil.

Warning If you want the generated metrics to contain the function success rate, you must name the error return value. This is why we recommend to name the error value you return for the function you want to instrument.

For HTTP handler functions

Expand to instrument HTTP handlers functions

Autometrics comes with a middleware library for net.http handler functions.

  • Import the middleware library
import "github.com/autometrics-dev/autometrics-go/prometheus/midhttp"
  • Wrap your handlers in Autometrics handler
+		midhttp.Autometrics(
-		http.HandlerFunc(routeHandler),
+			http.HandlerFunc(routeHandler),
+			// Optional: override what is considered a success (default is 100-399)
+			autometrics.WithValidHttpCodes([]autometrics.ValidHttpRange{{Min: 200, Max: 299}}),
+			// Optional: Alerting rules
+			autometrics.WithSloName("API"),
+			autometrics.WithAlertSuccess(90),
+		)

The generated metrics here will count a function as having failed if the return code of the handler is bad (in the 4xx and 5xx ranges). The code snippet above shows how to override the ranges of codes that should be considered as errors for the metrics/monitoring.

Note There is only middleware for net/http handlers for now, but support for other web frameworks will come as needed/requested! Don't hesitate to create issues in the repository.

Warning To properly report the function name in the metrics, the autometrics wrapper should be the innermost middleware in the stack.

4. Generate the documentation and instrumentation code

You can now call go generate:

$ go generate ./...

The generator will augment your doc comment to add quick links to metrics (using the Prometheus URL as base URL), and add a unique defer statement that will take care of instrumenting your code.

autometrics --help will show you all the different arguments that can control behaviour through environment variables. The most important options are changing the target of generated links, or disabling doc generation to keep only instrumentation

5. Expose metrics outside

The last step now is to actually expose the generated metrics to the Prometheus instance.

The shortest way is to reuse prometheus/promhttp handler in your main entrypoint:

import (

func main() {
		autometrics.BuildInfo{Version: "0.4.0", Commit: "anySHA", Branch: ""},
	http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler())

This is the shortest way to initialize and expose the metrics that autometrics will use in the generated code.

A Prometheus server can be configured to poll the application, and the autometrics will be available! (See the Web App example for a simple, complete setup)

Run Prometheus locally to validate and preview the data

You can use the open source Autometrics CLI to run automatically configured Prometheus locally to see the metrics that will be registered by the change. See the Autometrics CLI docs for more information.

or you can configure Prometheus manually:

  - job_name: my-app
    metrics_path: /metrics # the endpoint you configured your metrics exporter on (usually /metrics)
      - targets: ['localhost:<PORT>'] # The port your service is on
    scrape_interval: 200ms
    # For a real deployment, you would want the scrape interval to be
    # longer but for testing, you want the data to show up quickly

You can also check the documentation to find out about setting up Prometheus locally, with Fly.io, or with Kubernetes

Optional advanced features

Generate alerts automatically

Change the annotation of the function to automatically generate alerts for it:

//autometrics:inst --slo "Api" --success-target 90
func AddUser(args any) (err error) {
        // Do stuff
        return nil

Then you need to add the bundled recording rules to your prometheus configuration.

The valid arguments for alert generation are:

  • --slo (MANDATORY for alert generation): name of the service for which the objective is relevant
  • --success-rate : target success rate of the function, between 0 and 100 (you must name the error return value of the function for detection to work.)
  • --latency-ms : maximum latency allowed for the function, in milliseconds.
  • --latency-target : latency target for the threshold, between 0 and 100 (so X% of calls must last less than latency-ms milliseconds). You must specify both latency options, or none.

Warning The generator will error out if you use percentile targets that are not supported by the bundled Alerting rules file. Support for custom target is planned but not present at the moment

Warning You MUST have the --latency-ms values to match the values given in the buckets given in the autometrics.Init call. The values in the buckets are given in seconds. By default, the generator will error and tell you the valid default values if they don't match. If the default values in autometrics.DefBuckets do not match your use case, you can change the buckets in the init call, and add a --custom-latency argument to the //go:generate invocation.

-//go:generate autometrics
+//go:generate autometrics --custom-latency

Exemplar support

When using the Prometheus library for metrics collection, it automatically adds trace and span information in the metrics as exemplars that can be queried with Prometheus, if the server is configured correctly

A prometheus graph that shows exemplars on top of metrics

OpenTelemetry Support

Autometrics supports using OpenTelemetry with a prometheus exporter instead of using Prometheus to publish the metrics. The changes you need to make are:

  • change where the autometrics import points to
import (
-	"github.com/autometrics-dev/autometrics-go/prometheus/autometrics"
+	"github.com/autometrics-dev/autometrics-go/otel/autometrics"
  • change the call to autometrics.Init to the new signature: instead of a registry, the Init function takes a meter name for the otel_scope label of the exported metric. You can use the name of the application or its version for example
-		nil,
+		"myApp/v2/prod",
		autometrics.BuildInfo{ Version: "2.1.37", Commit: "anySHA", Branch: "" },
  • add the --otel flag to the //go:generate directive
-//go:generate autometrics
+//go:generate autometrics --otel

Git hook

As autometrics is a Go generator that modifies the source code when run, it might be interesting to set up go generate ./... to run in a git pre-commit hook so that you never forget to run it if you change the source code.

If you use a tool like pre-commit, see their documentation about how to add a hook that will run go generate ./....

Otherwise, a simple example has been added in the configs folder as an example. You can copy this file in your copy of your project's repository, within .git/hooks and make sure that the file is executable.

Tips and Tricks

Make generated links point to different Prometheus instances

By default, the generated links will point to localhost:9090, which the default location of Prometheus when run locally.

The environment variable AM_PROMETHEUS_URL controls the base URL of the instance that is scraping the deployed version of your code. Having an environment variable means you can change the generated links without touching your code. The default value, if absent, is http://localhost:9090/.

You can have any value here, the only adverse impact it can have is that the links in the doc comment might lead nowhere useful.

Remove the documentation

By default, autometrics will add a lot of documentation on each instrumented function. If you prefer not having the extra comments, but keep the instrumentation only, you have multiple options:

  • To disable documentation on a single function, add the --no-doc argument to the //autometrics:inst directive:
+//autometrics:inst --no-doc
  • To disable documentation on a file, add the --no-doc argument to the //go:generate directive:
-//go:generate autometrics
+//go:generate autometrics --no-doc
  • To disable documentation globally, use the environment variable AM_NO_DOCGEN:
$ AM_NO_DOCGEN=true go generate ./...


The first version of the library has not been written by Go experts. Any comment or code suggestion as Pull Request is more than welcome!

Issues, feature suggestions, and pull requests are very welcome!

If you are interested in getting involved: