spring web flux data jdbc template

This is the project template for the following technical stack:

  • Java 17/21
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Web Flux
  • Spring Data JDBC
  • Reactor
  • PostgreSQL
  • Spock

Running and building the project


  • Java 17/21
  • Docker 20.10+
  • Docker Compose 1.28.5

Running in terminal

You need to start the local PostgreSQL container with your database in a separate shell:

docker-compose up 

Then in another terminal run the application using gradle wrapper:

./gradlew bootRun

Building the local docker image

./gradlew bootBuildImage

To run this local image:

You need to start the local PostgreSQL container with your database:

docker-compose up 

And then run container with our application:


Running all tests

You need to start the local PostgreSQL container with your database in a separate shell:

docker-compose up 

Then in another terminal run the tests using gradle wrapper:

./gradlew t it at
  • t - run unit tests
  • it - run integration tests
  • at - run acceptance tests