
Udacity Nanodegree. Project 4. Identifying Fraud from Enron Email

Primary LanguagePython

#Udacity Nanodegree. Project 4. Identifying Fraud from Enron Email ##1. Dataset and goal of project ####Goal The main purpose of project is develop the machine learning algorithm to detect person of interest(POI) from dataset. A POI is someone who was indicted for fraud, settled with the government, or testified in exchange for immunity.

####Dataset We have Enron email+financial (E+F) dataset. It contains 146 Enron managers to investigate. Each sample in this dictionary containing 21 features. 18 people from this dataset labeled as POI. All of them have poi feature set as True. There's two imbalanced classes (many more non-POIs than POIs).

There's example of one POI data point:

			'salary': 1111258, 
			'to_messages': 3627, 
			'deferral_payments': 'NaN', 
			'total_payments': 8682716, 
			'exercised_stock_options': 19250000, 
			'bonus': 5600000, 
			'restricted_stock': 6843672, 
			'shared_receipt_with_poi': 2042, 
			'restricted_stock_deferred': 'NaN', 
			'total_stock_value': 26093672, 
			'expenses': 29336, 
			'loan_advances': 'NaN', 
			'from_messages': 108, 
			'other': 22122, 
			'from_this_person_to_poi': 30, 
			'poi': True, 
			'director_fees': 'NaN', 
			'deferred_income': 'NaN', 
			'long_term_incentive': 1920000, 
			'email_address': 'jeff.skilling@enron.com', 
			'from_poi_to_this_person': 88

####Outliers Dataset contains some outliers. The TOTAL row is the biggest Enron E+F dataset outlier. We should remove it from dataset for reason it's a spreadsheet quirk. Moreover, there’s 4 more outliers with big salary and bonus. Two people made bonuses more than 6 million dollars, and a salary of over 1 million dollars. There's no mistake. Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling made such money. So, leave these data points in and examine it with others.

##2. Feature selection process ####I selected the following features exercised_stock_options shared_receipt_with_poi fraction_from_poi expenses other salary

####New features In addition I create two new features which were considered in course:

  • fraction_from_poi fraction of messages to that person from a POI
  • fraction_to_poi fraction of messages from that person to a POI They created on assumption POI have more intensive correspondence to each other.

Also I create another feature. Messages to current person from specific email addresses, which belong to four POI outliers (e.g. Ken Lay etc.)

  • from_specific_email

####Plots of the new features Figure 1 Figure 2

Feature selection process include several iterations. On the first step I created set of features based on data visualization and intuition. Then I examine three classificator on this features. Dtecision Trees was selected as main algorithm. Since I choose Decision Trees as a classificator, I used feature importance method to optimize features for this dataset.

As a result I’ve received the following feature importances:

Rank of features
0.224388 : other
0.217197 : exercised_stock_options
0.195282 : shared_receipt_with_poi
0.185831 : expenses
0.145820 : fraction_from_poi
0.031483 : salary

fraction_from_poi looks like important feature and I leave it in. fraction_to_poi has importance equal to zero, so I've took in out from algorithm. Pearson who received e-mails from POI more often than others looks like POI himself. I also tried to change some features by hand but each time received worse performance.

To see full log of feature selection process go to the next block of this page.

##3. Pick an algorithm I tried the Naive Bayes, SVM and Decision Trees algorithms.

####All results of examination I included in the following table

Algorithm Accuracy Precisions Recall
Naive Bayes 0.82100 0.29026 0.23700
Decision Trees 0.82620 0.34617 0.34150
SVM - - -

SVM algorithm returned the next error :

Got a divide by zero when trying out: SVC(C=1.0, cache_size=200, class_weight=None, coef0=0.0, degree=3, gamma=0.0,
  kernel='rbf', max_iter=-1, probability=False, random_state=None,
  shrinking=True, tol=0.001, verbose=False)

####Chosen algorithm Based on best performance level I picked Decision Trees as a final algorithm.

##4. Tune the algorithm ####Reasons for algorithm tuning The main reason is get better results from algorithm. Parameters of ML classifiers have a big influence in output results. The purpose of tuning is to find best sets of parameters for particular dataset.

####GridSearchCV I apply GridSearchCV to tune the following parameters

Parameter Settings for investigation
min_samples_split [2,6,8,10]
Splitter (random,best)
max_depth [None,2,4,6,8,10,15,20]

As a result, I received better performance with min_samples_split = '12' and Splitter = 'best' and max_depth = '6'

##5. Validation According to sklearn documentation one of the main and classical mistakes in validation is using the same data for both training and testing.

Learning the parameters of a prediction function and testing it on the same data is a methodological mistake: a model that would just repeat the labels of the samples that it has just seen would have a perfect score but would fail to predict anything useful on yet-unseen data. This situation is called overfitting.

To validate my analysis I used stratified shuffle split cross validation developed by Udacity and defined in tester.py file

##6. Evaluation metrics I used precision and recall evaluation metrics to estimate model. Final results can be found in table below

Metric Value
Precision 0.52166
Recall 0.41550
Accuracy 0.86207
True positives 831
False positives 762
False negatives 1169
True negatives 11238

####Conclusion Precision and Recall have almost identical values and both higher than .3. Thus, project goal was reached. Precision 0.52166 means when model detect person as POI it was true only in 52% cases. At the same time Recall = 0.41550 says only 41% of all POIs was detected.

We have very imbalanced classes in E+F dataset. In addition, almost half of all POIs weren't included in dataset. In such conditions result we received good enough, but it's not perfect, of course.

#Algorithm outputs log ####STEP1. Init stage. Select classificator #####features_list: features_list = ['poi', 'fraction_to_poi', 'fraction_from_poi', 'from_specific_email', 'from_messages', 'exercised_stock_options', 'shared_receipt_with_poi', 'expenses', 'other', 'bonus', 'salary', 'total_stock_value']

#####Classificator: clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier() #####Metrics: Accuracy: 0.82620 Precision: 0.34617 Recall: 0.34150 F1: 0.34382 F2: 0.34242 Total predictions: 15000 True positives: 683 False positives: 1290 False negatives: 1317 True negatives: 11710 #####Classificator: clf = GaussianNB() #####Metrics: Accuracy: 0.82100 Precision: 0.29026 Recall: 0.23700 F1: 0.26094 F2: 0.24603 Total predictions: 15000 True positives: 474 False positives: 1159 False negatives: 1526 True negatives: 11841

####STEP2. Select features by Decision Trees feature_importances_ #####feature_importances_ Rank of features 0.260361 : other 0.231356 : exercised_stock_options 0.225797 : expenses 0.134677 : fraction_from_poi 0.118998 : shared_receipt_with_poi 0.028810 : salary 0.000000 : fraction_to_poi 0.000000 : from_specific_email 0.000000 : from_messages 0.000000 : bonus 0.000000 : total_stock_value

#####Metrics after optimizing Accuracy: 0.84029 Precision: 0.43873 Recall: 0.42250 F1: 0.43046 F2: 0.42565 Total predictions: 14000 True positives: 845 False positives: 1081 False negatives: 1155 True negatives: 10919

####STEP3. Tune the algorithm #####features_list features_list = ['poi', 'salary', 'fraction_from_poi', 'exercised_stock_options', 'shared_receipt_with_poi', 'expenses', 'other'] #####best estimator: DecisionTreeClassifier(compute_importances=None, criterion='gini', max_depth=6, max_features=None, max_leaf_nodes=None, min_density=None, min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=12, random_state=None, splitter='best') #####Metrics after tuning (BEST CHOISE!) Accuracy: 0.86207 Precision: 0.52166 Recall: 0.41550 F1: 0.46257 F2: 0.43313 Total predictions: 14000 True positives: 831 False positives: 762 False negatives: 1169 True negatives: 11238

####STEP4. Change features by hand (examine only email features) features_list = ['poi', 'fraction_from_poi', 'fraction_to_poi',
'exercised_stock_options', 'shared_receipt_with_poi'] #####Metrics Accuracy: 0.83108 Precision: 0.43510 Recall: 0.32850 F1: 0.37436 F2: 0.34543 Total predictions: 13000 True positives: 657 False positives: 853 False negatives: 1343 True negatives: 10147

####STEP5. Tune parameters by hand #####parameters clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=42, min_samples_split=2,max_depth=2, splitter='best') #####Metrics Accuracy: 0.83550 Precision: 0.37947 Recall: 0.23850 F1: 0.29291 F2: 0.25764 Total predictions: 14000 True positives: 477 False positives: 780 False negatives: 1523 True negatives: 11220

####STEP6. Final choise #####features_list features_list = ['poi', 'fraction_from_poi', 'fraction_to_poi',
'exercised_stock_options', 'shared_receipt_with_poi']

#####parameters clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=42, min_samples_split=12,max_depth=6, splitter='best' #####Metrics Accuracy: 0.86207 Precision: 0.52166 Recall: 0.41550 F1: 0.46257 F2: 0.43313 Total predictions: 14000 True positives: 831 False positives: 762 False negatives: 1169 True negatives: 11238

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