Calculate the difference between two given dates without using any of the PHP date functions, objects or packages not written by yourself.
This includes:
- DateTime
- IntlGregorianCalendar
- Calendar
- Any composer packages implementing date functions (ie
- Dates will be provided in the format “YYYY/MM/DD” for example “2015/03/21”.
- All dates will be based on the Gregorian calendar.
- There should be a single interface for calculating the difference in the format:
$difference = MyDate::diff($start, $end);
- The return value should be an object in the format:
stdClass {
int $years, // The number of years between the two dates.
int $months, // The number of months between the two dates less the years.
int $days, // The number of days between the two dates less the months and the years.
int $total_days, // The total days between the two dates including the months and years.
bool $invert // true if the the difference is negative (i.e. $start > $end).
- You are free to structure the rest of your code however you like and will be asked to explain your decisions.
- Basic unit tests are provided however you are free to add tests to cover anything additional you feel is required.
- Fork and clone this repository
- From the root run
composer install
- Start with the src/MyDate.php file and code until you are satisfied
- ZIP up your solution and send it in
Basic unit tests are provided in the tests folder. To run these steps simply run:
phpunit --bootstrap= src/autoload.php tests/MyDateTest.php
If you create new class files be sure to update the src/autoload.php file to load these for the tests.